View Full Version : sleepy sav

05-29-04, 01:35 PM
Is it normal for a sav that previously was a mean little fireball to jsut fall asleep in your lap???I have heard that these guys should always have theres eyes wide open and aware.But mine will just dose off once shes comfy, arms layed back and all.

05-30-04, 12:53 AM
they sht their eyes to block you out
what it cant see isnt really there to them if there eyes are closed
its just a way for it to deal with a stressfull or uncomfortable situation
my first sav used to do that... Hes prolly a abit nervous wit you still...

05-30-04, 04:44 PM
so shes not doing this out of a tameness but a way to block stress? should I still regularly handle her?
cuz she has calmed down amazingly from when she was smaller.

05-30-04, 05:24 PM
as long as the animal is feeding, basking, and doing all of what we know is normal to them when you're not around, yes handle your savannah. If you find he's hiding all the time, and is a shy feeder, then you may want to reduce your handling a bit.

05-30-04, 11:14 PM
well then I should definetly be handling him cuz hes always sprawled out baskin and almost never hides and he feeds like a..................................savannah

05-31-04, 02:04 PM