View Full Version : My BRB setup

05-28-04, 06:05 PM
Well, I finally got my male to eat after over 4 weeks of not eating all of a sudden, (he doesn't eat if the room was too 'busy' earlier) and since I live all in one room with the snakes, we had a problem.

Anywho, excuse the mess in the cage as I didn't dare disturb him for two days before feeding him so that he would take, but I snapped a couple of shots of his enclosure now a couple days later.

Both of the hides have damp shredded newspaper, and there are lids for them but are taken off for the pic. The waterbowl is a gladware thing with a lip of the lid so it doesn't spill as often.

Enough talk, heres what you came to see:


Thanks for looking, any feedback always appreciated!


05-28-04, 06:15 PM
Although a lot different than my BRB set up I think is fine.

I have water bowl large enough for the snake to fit in
coconut substright, and a cork hide that they go under.

I have also heard of some horror stories with that type of lid and the snake not able to find its way out.



05-28-04, 06:20 PM
He definitely fits in there and the female is bigger and also fits into hers. Often enough (7of 8 times I'd say) the lid pops off when they get in anyways as it is not tight with the hole cut in the lid. I was concerned about the stories too, as I have also heard them, but with the slightest amount of pressure only required to remove these lids I am 100% worry free as far as that problem goes.

Do most of you with BRBs use humid hides or do you mist the entire enclosure?

05-28-04, 06:32 PM
Do most of you with BRBs use humid hides or do you mist the entire enclosure?

Opposite for me. Dry hides and VERY humid enclosure. Just like in Brazil/S. America. Its not dry in the tropical rainforest, and its certainly not dry in the muck/rotting leaves where you find Brazilian Rainbow Boas.

Bu if your snake is doing fine and eating fine, then don't worry about what other people do. Do what you do.

05-28-04, 08:34 PM
Right now my enclosure consists of alot of newspaper as substrate...misted untill all layers are moist....a big water bowl which is a dog bowl, so it doesn't tip, she can soak if she wishes.....her hid is one of those fake rock thingies.....and that's all. The hide is big enough if she needs warmth, she curls in the back of it, if she needs to cool, she comes to the front of it.

Often at night she is out and about....I can see her nose running through the misty sides of her rubbermaid.

I think yours looks fine :D If the snake likes it, then all is kewl.

Personally, I mist the newspaper, as opposed to a humid hide.

05-28-04, 09:43 PM
i think its a nice and simple set up, and as long as he enjoys it, then leave it.

06-01-04, 02:53 PM
The thing that I like about this is that I don't need to mist every day, as the hides keep the humidity (which I measure out with the dry paper) of the enitre enclosure above 90% for quite a while.