View Full Version : Why the "pictures"

Dragons & Balls
05-28-04, 03:43 PM
Why is it that when people post picture using ssnakess as their photo host I can't see them? But if anybody uses another method such as photobucket.com,I can see it.All I see when it is through ssnakess is a red dot.

Please help me!

05-28-04, 08:36 PM
Can you see the pictures in the ssnakess galleries and the avatars on the forum? Which browser are you using?

05-28-04, 10:15 PM
That's funny, with me it's the exact opposite.

05-28-04, 10:36 PM
it could be your fire wall, what program are you using to protect you from virus's??? just giving ideas


05-28-04, 10:55 PM
It wouldn't be the firewall if they can see the avatars accompanying messages, as they both originate on the same server.

I find that I don't see some peoples posts while I see others fine, and I see people commenting on ones I can't see.

I use Mozilla as my browser, so my guess is that there is a subtle formatting difference used by some people that is parsed by Internet Explorer but not other browsers.

Shane Tesser
05-29-04, 08:11 AM
Dragon and balls, i have edited the title of your post to match our terms of service, perhaps this one is better, its beyond a grade five level.