View Full Version : This is for those interested with diversity of the Western Shovel-nosed Snake

05-28-04, 01:26 PM
<img src='http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0403/0956.jpeg'>
A typical Colorado Desert Shovel-nosed Snake (yellowish with red and black bands), from San Diego Co.

<img src='http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0504/0810.jpeg'>
A unique white individual lacking the reddish bands that are generally present between the dark bands. From San Diego Co. Other shovel-nosed snakes found nearby were typically marked with red between dark bands.

<img src='http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0504/0811.jpeg'>
Colorado Desert Shovel-nosed (white w/ black and orange bands), from San Diego Co.

<img src='http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0504/0819.jpeg'>
Nevada Shovel-nosed Snake, from Inyo Co.

<img src='http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0504/0818.jpeg'>
Mojave Shovel-nosed with faint orange wash between dark bands, San Bernardino Co.

<img src='http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0603/0001.jpeg'>
And finally the typical Mojave Shovel-nosed from Riverside Co.


05-29-04, 09:07 AM
What diversity. I would bet that long ago (or not so long ago) that some were even thought to be different species.
Great shots. can't see why they aren't more popular in the hobby.

05-29-04, 09:31 AM
Great shots!!

I agree with what Mark said! I think that they were thought to be different species too~~

It is still unpopular for these beauties to be around in the hobby. Heck I've only seen a few around~~

Not to mention being for sale.....
You have a beautful collection there!!!

Keep them coming!
They all look great!

05-29-04, 09:05 PM
WOW!! Absolutely incredible!! I've seen these little guys in the scale (not these ones in particular) and they're pretty cute and are quite colourful!!

05-29-04, 09:05 PM
Wow! Nice to see this species (which most don't give a 2nd glance to) being shown in the limelight. Chionactis are still on my list. Someday, sometime. :)

05-29-04, 09:42 PM
Maybe the second one is anery?
Great pics,