View Full Version : help I lost my toad

05-27-04, 11:35 PM
on the 26th of May I put my fire Belly Toad in a tank I though he couldn't get out of. And he got out. He was only there for a swim.

And yes I am irresponsible, and I feel horrible. I have a 975 sq ft appartment, and I need some tipe on leuring him out of hidding.

I have a water dish on the floor by his original tank, just incase he hears the crickest and wants to go home. He hasn't frequented it as far as I can tell. I figuire I got atlease another wek before he dies of starvation of lack of water.

Think. .

Help, he is about 2 and I can get like another 18 or so years putta him/her. I really want my toad back in it's propper tank. This is vexing me large. I'm dreaming about it even.

2nd day.

05-28-04, 01:19 AM
I once had my fire bellies defy what seemed impossible and escape as well

I found him hiding in the frame up under my bed....I only lost him ina bedroom...I don't know what to say about it being in an apartment

05-28-04, 09:26 AM
The best way to find him is to go through every single inchof your apartment..Seems like a big job, but all you have to do is start in one room and work your way across the whole place. I have done this in my house whenstuff has escaped and they always turn up.. It is possible for him to be out of water for several weeks and live too, so don't give up!

Good luck

05-28-04, 07:52 PM
Also realise he can't really go to any height, so if you look in all the ground level places he could be in the apartment (which shouldn't be too hard) then you'll most likely find him. Check under stoves and stuff with a flashlight, and in dark corners. I hope he turns up really soon for you! :(


05-29-04, 08:10 PM
Hey thanx for all the support guys and girls.

I look every night under the bed, under the rads, around crates. Today there was a gleam of hope cause I found what looked like toad poo. I know it is healthy, and it is prolly still eating little bugs like silver fish, and the odd centipeed. So.

I sleep with a flash light by my bed incase I hear anything, otherwize, lets just hope for the best.

I just feel so irresponsible, I should have known.

Fierce Katana
06-26-04, 08:14 AM
i dont no if thisll help but u might wanna check in ur lower neighbors apartment incase the toad got thru the vents