View Full Version : How long is too long?

05-27-04, 09:49 PM
Hey all,
Just a quick question, my male corn( yup he turned out to be a male rather than my presumed female) has been off feed for a month and a bit now, he shows no sings of sickness, feces are normal no abnormitalys in behaviour so i'm not quite sure what the problem is. I know they sometimes go off feed durning winter but since its early summer i'm a bit worried.so how long is too long for them to go off feed? I have tried a few different staradgies- f/t, f/k left over night in small rubbermaid, live ,different colors all without sucess. This is the second time shes done this, is there any reason for me to be worried or is it just a corn thing( they can be so stubborn whan they want to be lol).

05-28-04, 08:19 AM
It is not uncommon for male corns to go off feed during this time of year. Its breeding season and it might want to be looking for a female more than eating. Not an uncommon thing.

The time that you should be worried is when its really starting to lose weight and its gettign skinny.

Just keep offering food every week and it will soon find out that it wont find a female in an enclosure and will eat sooner or later~~

Good luck~

05-28-04, 09:31 AM
Almost certainly due to breeding season if it is a male - with mine, I find that they will stay off feed through a couple shed cycles and now if the males refuse a meal, I don't even offer again for a couple weeks. I usually offer the week after they shed - if they are going to eat, that is most likely when they will. If they don't feed then - I let them go 2-3 weeks before offering again. They are also usually quite active, lots of cruising around, but don't lose weight. I don't bother trying different forms of food - just stick with f/t.

With corns it is really frustrating because they are such greedy feeders in their first year - it is hard to believe they won't eat weekly when they get older,

mary v.

05-29-04, 10:04 AM
thx alot guys i'll post when he starts eating again.