View Full Version : Favorite herp...

05-27-04, 03:38 PM
Well I'm sure this has been done before and if so I’ll ask again. What’s everybody’s favorite?? Too be more specific, what’s your favorite herp (species) in your collection, and why?

05-27-04, 03:47 PM
Bullsnake is my favorite species in my rather meager collection. I frequent a reptile zoo as visitor and occasional volunteer, and even there in the midst of hundreds of species, I gravitate towards the bulls. I like that they are active, small enough to be handled, large/strong enough to be impressive, absolutely beautiful, voracious feeders, and with a healthy dose of attitude to boot. I'm planning on getting two more babies this year. :)

Roy G

05-27-04, 03:52 PM
Hard choice I love my Balls though. Even though they can be a pain in the but I do love them for the temperament. I like the bloods but I just adore my BP's.

05-27-04, 05:02 PM
Macklot's python. The only snake I have that will curl up and watch hockey with me!

05-27-04, 05:26 PM
I've been really lucky with my herp hobbying, and in the last year I've worked with probably 25 different species, and have learned a lot. As for picking my favorite, that's really hard to do, because they all have qualities that really impress me.... I love corns for their docility and handeability.... I love my BCIs for their appearance, personality, size, and strength.... I love bloods for their incredibly impressive size and utter honesty. I like my Taiwan beauty because he is so pretty and SO active.

But for some reason, the ones I get attached to the most seem to be my common boa constrictors... all 7 of them. (And more on the way.) I think if I was somehow forced to only keep one species, that would probably be it.

05-27-04, 05:39 PM
Favorite herp: Snake
Favorite Snake: Hog Island Boa
Why: I think they are the most beautiful looking snake out there. I love the markings of a Boa Constrictor. Now take those markings add the natural hyponess of a Hog Island and pack it all in a small package and to me you have the perfect snake.
Close second would be turtles. I started with a turtle when I was just a kid. I'd love to own a box or a russian tort but I just don't have the space to do it the way I would want to. Rather than doing it half way I'll just go with out.

05-27-04, 06:08 PM
Uroplatus Phantasticus and Uroplatus Lineatus, ultimate in aboreals!

05-27-04, 06:15 PM
U.Phantasticus is definitely my favorite 4-legged herp. :)

05-27-04, 06:21 PM
Well I have a very limited base to draw upon. I have only keep three species: Veild Chameleon, Ball Python and Crested Geckos. I would have to say that my fav would be cresties becuase of their personalities and that they come in many different colours/patterns but my BP is a close second.

05-27-04, 07:40 PM
My fav two snakes are my burm and my White lipped python.. the burm for her temperment and personality, and the white lip for her beauty, irridescence and pur attitude.

05-27-04, 11:00 PM
I haven't kept too many species either but my favorite would have to be cresties(I got 5 new ones today).... but I do live in a town that does not allow boas or pythons.

05-28-04, 06:31 AM
I have to say my ball python, because of her extrem beuty and docility, they have a real calming affect just staring at them. Plus she has such a great personailty.

05-28-04, 07:02 AM
Well I work with Kings, Balls, Milks, Indo Tree Boas, and Beauties. Right now, I would have to say for the entertainment, The Vietnamese Blue Beauties have to be my faves. But if I just want something to chill out to, the Kings are great handlers


05-28-04, 07:19 AM
Mine are bearded dragons, thier personality is just astonding to me. There are other reasons to, but i'm off to work and don't have time.


05-28-04, 02:55 PM
My fave snake (out of all my snakes) would have to be my w.hognose, such a little show off, great size, handles great, and is *usually* a good eater.

I absolutely adore my blood, balls and corn! in about that order.

I don't have any 4 legged herps, but if I did I would have a blue tongued skink, and that is my fave one!lol

05-28-04, 03:31 PM
My 7ft Guyanan red tail female, ranks way up there. She is sweet, and so docile, a real lady and enjoys TV as well.
My Dumeril's are close. Sweet disposition, not too eager to go exploring, and so beautifully marked. Seem to enjoy being handled.
However the Hog Island Boas are my all time favourites. Amazing disposition. Beautiful colour schemes (nature at it's subtle best) and a joy to handle. They have just about everything going for them. I recommend Hogs to anyone who is restricted to only one or two snakes.

05-28-04, 04:10 PM
Well, My definite fav is the pueblan milk snake with black milks catching up fast.
Pueblans are great and curious snakes. My female likes to watch who ever is in the room. She'll be on the same side of her enclosure as the person in the room.
My black milks are as docile as a puppy and watching their growth rate explode and the imminent color change is quickly making me facinated with them.


05-29-04, 12:17 PM
I see the snakes, seem too be more popular then there 4-legged relatives. And I can see why, I would have too say I’m more of a snake person. I love all my snakes, especially ones I’ve had for years. But if I were too pick a favorite right now I’d have too say my only 4-legged ones would win it. My 2 Pts are Great things, I haven’t had them too long but the intelligence and character of them amazes me. As well, I picked up a whites a year or so back just because I decided too try out an amphibian for a change. I ended up with a Gorgeous Whites, and they really developed great personalities. So even though I enjoy snakes , the Pts win it for character and just for being different.

05-29-04, 01:07 PM
my favorite snake is the west african gaboon viper http://www.scserp.com/images/WestAfricanGaboonViper3FootFemale001.JPG
my favorite 4 legged herp well its a tie. The Pyxicephalus adspersus (Pixie frog)
the rococo toad the horned frog and the smooth sided toad(aka hooded toad)
thanks for reading this and now i bid u A CUE

Optimus Prime
05-29-04, 06:52 PM
Mine is a tie between mny JCP's from Jeff and my Het albino B.c.i. I love my JCP's b/c they are so damned pretty. My b.c.i cuz she is my only pet reptile.

05-30-04, 04:09 PM
Reticulated Python. I used to be really into hots, and that's totally changed since I got a Retic. They are so allert, and just an incredibly beautiful snake. Their irridecences in second to none. Feed response, strength, intelligence, these are amazing snakes and easily my favourite.

06-13-04, 05:04 PM
my favorite and my favorite snake that i own would have to be blood pythons to me they r just one of the most spectacular species out there even though they sometimes have an attitude it is worth it to own them i cant wait till this years clutch already

06-13-04, 10:15 PM
I can't choose just ONE...so lemme break it down this way...

Favorite snake: Amazon Tree Boa. So many colours, so much attitude, amazing speed and just plain jaw dropping to watch cruising in the branches at night. This snake always demands my full attention when working with it and I enjoy the challenge.

Favorite lizard: Crested Gecko. Alot of personality, and cute as hell.

Favorite amphibian: Phyllomedusa sp. (bicolor, hypochondrialis or savaugei). These frogs are just out of this world. My room is filled with their nightly calls. You know your a herp nerd when your awaken at 3 a.m. by a chorus of monkey frogs and you roll out of bed to watch them and offer them more food :)

Favorite invertebrate: I enjoy watching all my T's, but it's always a hoot feeding my A. geniculata sling, it's an eight legged feeding frenzy and it's always ready for more :)

:skull: Jenn:skull:

Tim and Julie B
06-14-04, 12:17 AM
I would normally go with my leos, but when it comes down to one herp only in our collection I would have to say our red Nigerian uromastyx. He is so fun to watch, especially when he sees us coming in with food. Next is the leos, because every single one is so different in character.


06-14-04, 01:07 AM
Favourite is without question my veiled chameleons. They aren't the best 'pet' lizard, but they definately take the cake in interestingnessness.... With the eyes, the feet, the tails, colours, tongue, variations in species and habitat requirements. I love everything from the cage setup you need for them to how they pretend their a leaf. Amazing animals.

Best pet lizard though has to be leopard geckos, just because of their behaviour and that you can house them in colonies. Interesting little gaffers.


06-14-04, 01:14 AM
Retics Because of there size and power


06-14-04, 03:24 AM
Well, my favourites are boids and monitor lizards.

Among species I have personally kept:
Favourite snake: Black (Olive?) African House Snake. They don't seem to be very popular, but they're hardy, great eaters, and great breeders. Nothing beats solid black with shimmering blue irridescence in my book. I know it's not a boid, but it has the same catlike pupils and looks somewhat like a slenderer version of one. If anyone knows anyone who breeds or sell any, please leave me a message by the way ;P http://chaoscat.lowerground.net/herps/africanhouse/olivefemale/ahsolive11-26-03b.jpg

Favourite lizard: Savannah monitor.

Out of species I've never kept but want to get most:
Snake: Green Tree Python (with bluish hues)
Lizard: Yellow ackies

06-14-04, 06:12 AM
Hmmm, that's hard. It would be a tie between my Amazons and my Spotted. I love them both equally for different reasons. The Amazons give me a challenge, they don't hesitate to bite at me when I'm annoying them (like helping them remove bad shed), they really know how to put me in my place!

My Spotted is so docile and gorgeous, and her enthusiasm with food items is amazing. She was my first snake and I don't regret the choice one bit. She's never given me any problems and she puts up with my cat staring at her enclosure.


06-14-04, 06:45 AM
My current favorites are my Mandarin rat snakes. They're just beautiful.
For 4 legged herps (not keeping any currently but have and will one day when I don't have to travel so much for work)- Chinese Crocodile Lizards, Shinisaurus crocodilurus! My all time favorite lizard.

06-14-04, 07:13 AM
at the moment i think my fave herp would be my BRB, one for his pure and utter beauty and two for his temperment. i love that little guy!!! a close second would be my Blue Tongued Skink, he's just cool...

06-14-04, 01:45 PM
Sphaerodactylus Macrolepis, a species I studied in Puerto Rico for almost 3 years; absolutely charming, captivating and interesting creatures. I wish I could bring them to the states... :::sigh:::

06-14-04, 03:18 PM
My faves are my Spotted Pythons, they're sweet, eat like machines, and are beautiful to look at. :)