View Full Version : How long do you not try other methods to feed?

05-26-04, 06:44 AM
One of my bci's, a Hoggie to be precise, has been incredibly picky and not eating. She is not in shed, last shed was fine, she poo's, drinks, and hisses just fine.

Granted, it has only been 2wks since she ate, which I know is not a long time....but....

How long do you wait before trying to tempt them with diffrent food ( method of giving ) to try to get them to eat?

At what point of not eating, do you start to worry?

The snake in question is approaching 1yr old.

05-26-04, 07:33 AM
Before changing your feeding method make sure your husbandry is correct. Maybe that is what has to change. I once had a heat pad go out for two weeks before I new it. That snake stoped eating too.

05-26-04, 08:15 AM
start to worry when the snake starts loosing weight

i had a boa that was 1 year old stop eating for 3 months , but he never lost any weight and he actually shed while not eating

i think he wanted to breed

try feeding the hog in the dark, i had a hog that would only eat in the dark and also she would strike and take it but wouldnt eat unless after she grabbed it i pulled a bit so she would constrict it

good luck with it