View Full Version : Check out my rack :D

05-25-04, 09:57 PM





-heated with 1 length of heatrope, ( 27ft I believe ).
-4ft x 4ft, shelves of varying heights, exacts measurements in first pic.
- bottom shelf has one strand heat

temp: the egg side ( made for gecko hatchlings actually, which there is one there now, just not in the pic ) max's 86-88F
the Hoggie side, due to the bigger enclosure, more closed in, max's 95F hot spot ( right where the rope is )

- second shelf has 2 strands under Promise's cage, nothing to the left. That is mainly storage, and if for whatever reason, I need a cool spot

temp: max 95F

-3rd shelf has 2 strands

temp: max's at 90F

-4th shelf ( top shelf ) has ummmmmmmmmmm.....a fair amount. It is zigzagged under 1/2 of the tank.

temp: max 95-97F for the hot spot......the right hand side of the tank, temp ranges in spots throughout....anywhere between 80-97F. The cool side 78-80F. ( more on that one when I post pics of the snake in that tank, tank setup etc )

Not too shabby for a noob eh :D

05-25-04, 10:43 PM
nice rack Christina

06-01-04, 04:55 PM
Not too shabby at all , especially for a noob :) Looks great and does what you need it to do. Good job getting the temps where you need them to be, too.

06-01-04, 07:03 PM
You've got a great rack Chris! Not what I was expecting, wishful thinking I guess, but nice never the less!

06-01-04, 07:18 PM
hehehe, submit it to one of the rate-my-rack sites :) they won't know what to make of it :D

06-01-04, 07:20 PM
Caught me too. Good one.


06-01-04, 07:27 PM
I should eh Mike. Yo' baby, whadya think of my rack HEE HEE HEE.

I give it 4 outta 5 stars....loss of a star for slight sagging :rolleyes: damn age. LOL.....seriously, I did notice the shelf with the leo's on it starting to sag...hence the quickie supports in the middle of the lower shelves.

Seriously tho, thanks for looking. I'm quite proud of it. First thing I have ever built, that remained standing :D