09-24-02, 02:37 PM
I have a 66% het for albino retic that I purchased around 8/5/2002 and attempted first feeding on 8/10/2002. She has refused everything I have thrown her way. Fresh killed rats, mice.
Live mice, even tried assist feeding and she just spit it back out. I have tried feeding in a bag, feeding at night, dipping the mouse in chicken broth. nothing seems to work. And yes I know retics can go a long time without eating, but she is just a baby and I am worried about her. The last time I had this happen with a neonate she ended up dying on me. Anybody out there have any other tricks that I have not tried ? I am open to any suggestions, I talked to a good friend of mine in Texas Ryan Blakely of Walters World and he said to inject her with 1/2 CC of vitamin B-12. I am going to give that a try.
Thanks in advance for any replies or suggestions.
Live mice, even tried assist feeding and she just spit it back out. I have tried feeding in a bag, feeding at night, dipping the mouse in chicken broth. nothing seems to work. And yes I know retics can go a long time without eating, but she is just a baby and I am worried about her. The last time I had this happen with a neonate she ended up dying on me. Anybody out there have any other tricks that I have not tried ? I am open to any suggestions, I talked to a good friend of mine in Texas Ryan Blakely of Walters World and he said to inject her with 1/2 CC of vitamin B-12. I am going to give that a try.
Thanks in advance for any replies or suggestions.