View Full Version : Hoping my babies will make the switch.

05-24-04, 10:05 PM
Well, I have all my larger balls on FT rats, YAY.... Now if my little ones will switch food so easily I will be happy. When they ate live they would take whatever I gave them, gerbils, mice, hampsters never a problem. I picked up a bunch of tiny bunnies though (stillborns and week olds or so) and am hoping to be able to feed them these. My sister breeds bunnies so there is a pretty constant supply available but I want them to eat what ever I give them. I am planning on going the "eat this or eat nothing" route for a while. They arent' real big or anything but I do want them to switch to FT and this is what i have right now. I may have to get them a live pinky bunny to start with to convince them they are food but my sis has week old mini rex babies so it would be possible.

05-24-04, 10:27 PM
I personally don't see the need to feed bp's rabbits. Rats are (in my opinion) more nutritional for them. But thats just me, and even as a baby (newborn), rabbits can kick, hard.

05-24-04, 10:52 PM
That is why I'm going with FT, trying a live pinky would be a last resort. Demetae is currently with a FT pinky rabbit and I'm hoping she will eat it, she did strike it but dropped it I'm just leaving her alone and hopefully she will decide to eat it. Rabbits are easier to get here since rats are illegal to breed in Alberta it is kinda a pain. I do order them but that is still a pain!!