View Full Version : What should a 2002 male be eating..

05-24-04, 11:42 AM
on average? I just bought a 2002 male snow corn and the previous owner was feeding him 1 crawler each week. He's 109 grams - not sure of length. He seems small to me for that age, but I'm new to corns and am not sure. What do you guys think?

05-24-04, 12:07 PM
So he's two years old? Unless it was a problem feeder, this snake should easily be on adult mice by now.Try giving him 2 crawlers per feeding for a couple of feedings, and then move up a size.

05-24-04, 01:23 PM
All of my 2003 corns are eating 15-20g fuzzie rats every 5 days. Sounds like you snake has been under fed.

05-24-04, 01:23 PM
Sounds like a he's a little small for that age but there's nothing you can do about that now other than to start feeding him properly. To keep it simple just go with the "girth plus 50%" rule. One prey item of that size every 5-7 days.

I don't bother trying to match the age of the animal with some ambiguous name (crawler, hopper.. blah blah) of prey item or weight ratios or any of that stuff. Just eye the size of the snake and give him a meal a little bigger around than he is whenever he seems to be cruising around looking for food.

05-24-04, 02:05 PM
2nd above post (MK). Age has nothing to do with it. One must go by the size of the snake when picking appropriate prey irreguardless of age. Chances are the snake was a problem feeder as suggested or came from someone who fed it a basic subsistance diet only. This is something done by a lot of breeders it seems : ( Another little "breeder trick" is to sell off the previous years problem feeders as "holdbacks". If a "holdback" specimen seems small 9 times outta 10 its because it was a problem feeder from the year before & was heldback for that reason. People go with the assumption that the "holdbacks" were the picks of the litter. Not always the case folks. Buyer Beware. Mark

05-24-04, 02:06 PM
Just what I thought - thanks everyone. :)

05-24-04, 09:11 PM
Wow Mark. That hadn't even occured to me! A holdback not being a pick of the litter. Jeez! Thanks for the tip!!

05-24-04, 11:41 PM
my 20002 snows easily put away 30-60 gram rats every 10 days