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05-23-04, 10:39 PM
These guys are cracking me up.
Man, those are incredible!! I can't believe the colors on them. Amazing.
I love baby reptiles, their heads just look so big, anyone else think that? or is it just me?
Hahaha, lucky you to have such good looking brats.
Great job man! Now spoil the **** out of them!
05-24-04, 12:08 AM
No worries there, ratzu, my mates keep telling me that even their parents are the most mollycoddled lace monitors in the country.
Adam (V.hb), believe it or not the colours and contrast are much brighter in life. The upper one has lemon yellow bands.
05-24-04, 07:11 AM
They are gorgeous David! Congrats again!
05-24-04, 10:13 AM
How much will a baby Lace Monitor run in the US.
Also how about Argus Monitors?
Lace run for over $1000 CB in Canada i think, not sure down there, must me about $800 plus. What is the going rate crocdoc?
05-24-04, 05:48 PM
I don't really follow the prices over there, but lace monitors were $US10,000 a few years ago, $US6,000 a couple of years ago and $US2,000 last time I saw them advertised a couple of months ago. As far as I know, there is only one person in the US breeding them for sale and no one in Canada (although Steeve B was selling a spare female a couple of months ago).
JeffT, my advice to you is that if you see one going for $1000 in Canada, buy it immediately.
I think its usually around 3-4000US isnt it? I ve seen a few listed.. I dont think ive ever seen any for sale in Canada.
Steeve B
05-24-04, 08:15 PM
not available
05-24-04, 08:28 PM
Female lace monitors tend to be small as adults. A friend commented that one of my females was one of the largest he'd seen and yet she is dwarfed by my male (and he's not a big one as far as lace monitors go).
What's the SVL on that female, Steeve? I know you told me once before, but I've forgotten. 40cm or so?
Steeve B
05-24-04, 08:40 PM
not available
05-24-04, 09:06 PM
good luck with those. Don't forget to post photos of the eggs, with details on size and weight if you measure them.
Steeve B
05-24-04, 11:00 PM
I have no eggs yet, but why whod I want to take mesurments?
05-24-04, 11:38 PM
hmmm.... okay, whatever. No need to get so defensive.
I could think of dozens of reasons to take photographs, measure them and keep notes. Not being a big believer in reinventing the wheel, I read about other people's lace monitor breedings and keep notes on my own, for often patterns emerge which can be of some help to myself and others that keep them. It's the scientist in me, I guess.
A prime example would be my first clutch last year. A good friend and keen herper had a look at the eggs and said they were probably not viable because they were undersized - he collected some for a zoo he was working at years ago and remembers them being much much larger. I weighed and measured the clutch, compared it to the data from Carter's PhD thesis on wild V varius reproduction and found that my clutch was exactly the average weight and size of wild clutches. Ditto my hatchling weights (similar to Weaver's findings).
When one of my eggs started dimpling several weeks ago, long before I expected them to hatch, I weighed the clutch again and noted the weight loss. Reading a paper by Philip and Packard (I think that was their names, anyway, for I am not at home where I keep my monitor info) on egg development I noted that there can be a dramatic weight loss at 80% of incubation. I calculated the possible hatching time based on that (they were at 150 days at the time) and predicted a hatching date of approximately 187 days. I got the juvenile cage ready early. The first egg hatched at 185 days, the second at 187 days.
But that's me. Much like you, this isn't my only hobby, and I don't live for my monitors, either. I, too, talk about all sorts of things with people (perhaps not gardening), but I sure do pick things up here and there when talking about monitors. If I thought for a minute that my experiences were the definitive answer to monitors, I'd still be in the dark on a lot of things.
Steeve B
05-24-04, 11:51 PM
DK aim using the only words I know, I think in french live in french and raise my family in french, when I post somehow I get lost in translation, this is why we cant connect. sorry:) :)
I wasent defensive, my humor dosent pass well :)
my opologies for my lack of consideration, I know lace are your favorit and I also know how meticulous you are in everything you do, aim more like a put the eggs in the box somewhere on the third shelf and foget about it kind of guy. :)
05-25-04, 02:02 PM
Well, you've done it again Doc!:D
Nice Avatar steeve.
Question: Why are all these people getting banned?
05-25-04, 06:03 PM
No problems, Steeve. I didn't see it as a lack of consideration.
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