View Full Version : baby ball $$$

05-23-04, 08:27 PM
Hello could anny one please tell me what is the going price is for a normal baby ball python? thanks Paul

05-23-04, 08:59 PM
Male $100, female $150. Captive-bred of course.

05-23-04, 09:15 PM
pet store: 80 USD
breder: 25-75 USD + ship

05-24-04, 12:06 AM
Make sure you don't get a WC. Pay the extra couple $$ and make sure you get a well-established CB.

Corey Woods
05-24-04, 12:26 AM
I sell mine for $125 for males and $225 for females.


05-24-04, 01:22 PM
all the ones i've seen recently are $80-$100 captive bred..... at the shows the babies go for $50-$75.
plus shipping of corse

pet stores sell for $150 or more (big name or mom&pop pet stores i mean), but that's cuz they sell for twice what they paid.

like the others said, don't get a wild caught, yeah you might pay $20 for it, but it's not worth the pain in the butt it will cause you!


05-24-04, 06:24 PM
thanks for the info guys paul

05-24-04, 06:38 PM
I got my baby BP at a pet store for $70 on sale. There's not a big demand for snakes in this town that I know of though.

It was in great health and eating, but I'd be leery of pet stores generally.

05-24-04, 08:21 PM
Criciform, I'll bet you dollar to donuts that it's not CB. Score on the eating and health, but I would have a fecal done and I would Nix it just in case though.

05-24-04, 08:44 PM
Most reputable breeders (such as Jeff, and Corey) will sell males for $100-150, and females for $150-200. You'll sometimes see them a little cheaper at shows, but don't count on it. Recently in the classifieds there have been some bps posted for sale by private sellers at what I honestly feel are ridiculously low prices. Not that it isn't great to find a deal sometimes, but when I see a bp being sold for $65, I get a little suspicious. Petstores, you're usually looking at $150-200 regardless of sex, and depending on the petstore there's a pretty decent chance that you'll get a few nasty surprises with your new pet. Far better to buy from a breeder...

Just my 2 cents :)

05-25-04, 02:34 PM
here in Greece,normal baby ball cost's 70Euros...

05-25-04, 11:14 PM
Price hugely depends on where you are. US prices are dirt cheap but of course it costs a fortune to bring them across the border. Common BP's there are anywhere from 10 to 200 depending on whether they are WC, CH or CB. I also agree with everyone here and advise you to get from a reputable breeder at least then you know what you are getting. There are some good ones in Ontario there so at least you are lucky there.

05-26-04, 02:17 PM
Keep your eyes open, there are also a lot of us who are looking to 'clean out' their collections to make room for the hatchlings coming, and some of us are getting rid of CB yearlings or adults for very good prices, and the snakes are still top-notch.