View Full Version : Need Help On Picking A Lizard

05-23-04, 06:07 PM
ive got a 70 gallon tank and i dont know wut to put in it ....... want some thing that is hyper ........ ive already got leopard gecko ....... i really need ur help on picking a good reptile for my 70 gallon tank.......... alll suggestions for reptile will be considered

05-23-04, 06:12 PM
oh yes this will be fn

bearded dragons
water dragon
bt skink

so many i could name

05-23-04, 06:34 PM
beardie, collard lizards, bts, europlean legless

05-23-04, 09:19 PM
bearded dragon all the way.. lol
they're a real joy to have around.

05-24-04, 09:13 AM
i would say blue tongued skink. altho you said you wanted hyper, and that's definetely not a blue tongue. they're laid back.

05-24-04, 09:31 AM
Sudan plated lizards are nice. You could have a colony of grass lizards. Tokay geckos have spunk.

05-24-04, 09:38 AM
Make a nice forest set up and get some Giant leaf tail geckos

05-24-04, 09:44 AM
If you really want something that will occupy the space, purchase a frilled dragon.

05-24-04, 09:52 AM
I wouldnt do a specie like leaf tail geckos for a first lizard/gecko, theyre just too fragile. You should deffinately look into some frilled dragons like David said though, they are really cool.

05-24-04, 10:09 AM
collard lizards are great for hyper lizards! lots of heat and they do great, and so pretty as well!

05-24-04, 10:24 AM
Ah I missed the frillies great choice

05-24-04, 10:34 AM
I also second Jeff's comment on the Uroplatus. Much too advanced for any begginner, and there are few species that need that large of an enclosure.

05-24-04, 03:39 PM
sorry I thought zero had reptiles, nothing is hard to keep as long as you do the proper research.

05-24-04, 04:12 PM
i have a columbian BW Tegu that is just over a foot for sale right now. PM me if ur intrested. willing to sell cheap

05-24-04, 05:12 PM
lol do have other reptiles i have a 5 lined skink and 2 leos

05-24-04, 05:43 PM
oh..well someone said you shouldn't get uroplatus..you could do a lot of nice things with a 70 gallon..I'd go for a live plant set up with some rhac's or uroplatus...wonderfull gecko's and also a good investment if you wanted to sell hatchlings

Speaking of skinks I have always want a pair of shingle backs they live in small colonies..but I guess australlia is strict on exporting..is their any cb shingles? They were the first lizards I ever wanted to get

05-24-04, 05:44 PM
oh..well someone said you shouldn't get uroplatus..you could do a lot of nice things with a 70 gallon..I'd go for a live plant set up with some rhac's or uroplatus...wonderfull gecko's and also a good investment if you wanted to sell hatchlings

Speaking of skinks I have always wanted a pair of shingle backs they live in small colonies..but I guess australlia is strict on exporting..is their any cb shingles? They were the first lizards I ever wanted to get