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05-23-04, 04:54 PM
Yeah last week I went to take Buddy out of his enclosure and after I had already picked him up he nailed me on the arm as I was standing up. Not exactly sure why he did it so I'm watching him closely. He's always been really docile since I got him as a baby. He's about 4 and a half feet now. Enjoy!



05-23-04, 04:58 PM
wow, wide bite. that is weird if he bit you for no reason. maybe he was going in shed, hungry, just didn't want to be messed with for some reason. i'm still a virgin as for boa bites.

05-23-04, 07:50 PM
Looks like a pretty good one! ;) Congrats... lol...

05-26-04, 10:39 AM
Yesterday i got bit by my Bp, I took him out of his enclosure played with him and when i wanted to put him back he bit my ...strange......

05-26-04, 09:21 PM
im no virgin for a boa bite.........I got nailed by my 5 foot female............right in the top of the head!!!!!!!!!

And have yet to be bit by a ball lol

05-28-04, 04:40 PM
I feel your pain. My herps are acting odd right now. Very zealous for food. My Argentine naied me about 15 min ago. She is about 5' now and is getting aggresive.

05-28-04, 04:47 PM
Thats the exact same bite i got from my boa. it was my first bite as well.. it actually looks like a pic of my bite, lol

06-09-04, 07:15 PM
I recently acquired a 6'+ Surinam Redtail and she is reputed to be nippy so the first few times I took her out to examine her I wore gloves. So far though she only acted like she wanted to bite me the first time I held her. Maybe she has been trying to lull me into a false sense of security.

06-09-04, 07:39 PM
Here is two photos of our bites..

Here is a 5 foot iggy bite on (Scotty's) My leg may not look like much but wow.. it hurt. Picture was also taken after all the blood was cleaned off..

Here is a recent one Les got bitten by our 12 foot albino burmese python named Custard

Owell you work with dogs you get bitten by dogs.

If you work with reptiles you get bitten by reptiles.


Scotty & Les

06-14-04, 09:00 PM
Ouch! The only thing that I've been tagged by that made me bleed pretty good was a baby White Lip. I couldn't even begin to imagine what a grown Boa or Burm could do. Eep.

Optimus Prime
06-16-04, 06:36 PM
There is nothing quite like the first time one of your sweet little babies draws blood :) you gotta love it!

06-23-04, 03:22 PM
BellyDraggers - OUCH!!!:jawdrop:

06-24-04, 02:27 PM
ive been bitten by my baby boa by accident(it smelled lunch) but holy **** guys i hope i never get nailed like that!

06-24-04, 03:21 PM
I just wanna say that the title is misleading..........and I was a little disappointed.

06-24-04, 03:24 PM
Wow, I know that chicks think that scars are cool and stuff, but I never imagined that getting bit by a snake would get a guy laid for the first time, LOL!

06-24-04, 03:34 PM
I got tagged for the first time last night :)
Reached in to check the substrate for pee, and the brushing of my finger against his hide must have gotten him in the mood.

Little BP head shot out like lightning and nailed my finger. Holy sharp teeth!

I picked him up 30 seconds later and he was docile and fine, no damage to him :)

For those who haven't been bit yet, it felt like 8 very tiny needles being inserted into the finger at once, but the pain was gone within a minute. I'm wondering how much it's going to hurt when I get nailed by adult carpets :)

06-24-04, 08:50 PM
haha nice pics people...

my first boa bite was right on the cheek by a 3ft boa i was standing talking to a friend and i was holding her boa and all of a sudden "kissed" me on the cheek lol ..damn it hurt but i could not stop laughing!!


07-02-04, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by moperri
I just wanna say that the title is misleading..........and I was a little disappointed.

07-10-04, 04:37 PM
Well i work in a pet store and i've been bitten by tons of different snakes by the time... corns, kingsnakes, ratsnakes, amazon tree boas , solomon island ground boas, rainbow boas, ball pythons, and especially this very mean mexican black kingsnake who tries to EAT me at 98% of the times i take it out!!! I've been bitten by my BCC when it was 3 feet long, also been bit by my ball python when it was young and still, the only one i REALLY dont wanne be bitten by is my Emerald Tree Boa!!!! Corallus Caninus!!!

07-10-04, 04:41 PM
i've had three bites that required stitches, one from a rescue iguana who decided to show some appreciation by almost biting my finger off, one from a tokay who was being a tokay, and one from a young alligator, on my shin. i've never had a serious snake bite, though i've been tagged.

07-11-04, 03:42 PM
I've had Boas for over 10 years and never really been tagged, I have BCI’s and Dumerils. I got into Pythons about 2-1/2 years ago when I purchased 2.2 JCP's. One of my males tagged me once when he was about 4FT.

I purchased some Bloods last year and since then I've gotten use to getting hit every handling. Those are some nervous snakes! They're only about 2-3FT now and more of annoying pin pricks than pain, I really hope they calm down before adulthood!!