View Full Version : woo hoo -i got eggs

05-21-04, 10:33 PM
my female has been pregnant for awhile now and she didnt seem to be liking the dirt id givin her to lay in,so i decided to try something different cause i was getting nervous she would get egg bound.I placed her in a half full bag of soil id bought for plants,and left her there for a few hours-i looked in every now and then and noticed she was digging for the first time,after about 3 or so hours i looked in and she was looking back at me with her tail in the hole,and shortly after i saw some eggs beside her.I waited till 130am and she was slowly filling in the hole by then.I couldnt stay up so the next day after work i came home and she was back to her perch and there was a huge pile of dirt over the nest.
i figured by her size there couldnt be more than about 12-30 eggs,and i tried to go easy on her food so she didnt have a huge clutch.
turns out she laid 62 eggs! boy was i surprised!!
So i have them in 2 containers-1 vermiculite and one soil cause i ran out of vermiculite.one is at a steady 73 degrees so far and the other one is a bit warmer more like 78-80,the thermometer isnt the greatest in that room. so im hoping to have some little veileds around halloween or so. :D

05-21-04, 10:38 PM
62! geez, thats a lot. good luck with them

05-22-04, 09:38 AM
thats great news good luck with those guys
