View Full Version : Pictures of Jordan

05-21-04, 09:00 PM
Thought I'd share the latest :) First time posting pictures so hopefully these will work:


I tried to get some feeding shots through the glass:



She did eventually realize she had the rat the wrong way around ;)

05-21-04, 09:12 PM
beautiful :D

05-21-04, 09:21 PM
wow, he/she has really bright colors. how big is it?

05-21-04, 09:31 PM
Looks great, im hoping to get my corn next week sometime..

That mouse/rat looks a little big, no?

05-21-04, 09:42 PM
Nice looking snake~~

great pictures and I would say that its enjoying a very nice meal~~

05-21-04, 10:29 PM
Very nice snake. That is pretty much what mine looks like. The one I have posted. My pic is not the best so you can't see the similarity. Btw, What type is it?

05-21-04, 11:44 PM
Well, if it hasnt regurged on this size of meal before, or their is a hidden fatty behind those rocks lol, then id say its ok..maybe a bit smaller though..just my 2 cents

05-22-04, 08:37 AM
great looking snake Heather, keep the pics comming!

05-22-04, 10:00 AM
Thanks guys! Yes, her girth is hidden in the pictures, I sometimes get the 'oh no should have fed something smaller' thing seeing the contrast in size, until she gets it down where it should be.

She was on smaller meals for so long and was on the skinny side.. once I started feeding a little bigger prey items she put on some better size. She always digests fine, I feed her once per week as usual. Growing well now :)

Fishandsnakelov: She was sold as an okeetee. She was the one that showed the brightest colour as a hatchling. Her background colour in the first pic came out a little yellowish, she's more orange in person.

kidchameleon: Good question.. I haven't measured her in a while. I'd say she's over two feet.

05-22-04, 10:08 AM
LOL! And here I am thinking this post was about photogenic shots of "Blondie"! ;)

Nice corn! :)

05-22-04, 10:14 AM
The mouse is not too big. My corns all get meals that size or larger. Females once per week, males twice per month.

Nice snake!


06-05-04, 09:04 PM
i read the thread and i thought i had a peeper following me around! lol.

06-05-04, 10:42 PM
LMAO! I was wondering when you were going to notice!

06-05-04, 10:49 PM
my corns are 40" and 1.5 years old. and eat rat hoppers(30-60grams)

06-07-04, 11:50 AM
lol... i didn't even notice that blondie comment vanan... for now on your name is Varny

06-07-04, 02:29 PM

06-08-04, 08:16 AM
LoL Jordan, didn't mean to freak you out :p

06-08-04, 08:07 PM
lol... sure sure, thats what everyone says to me, lmao.

06-09-04, 04:26 PM
Beautiful snake!