View Full Version : Some Lampros

05-20-04, 06:58 PM
Here's some pictures of snakes I posted about awhile ago. My boss lent me his digi cam for a while. I really must get one. Please excuse the quality of the photos I'll try and get some better ones into my gallery in the near future. Enjoy and thanks for looking. :)

Thayeri 03's and 02's





02 Knob


03 Hypo Tri Hondo


05-20-04, 07:02 PM
.... Beautiful!!!! Is the second one a jungle? Thaeri.... if they're all thaeri then that must be pretty variable eh?

I'm not totally up on my kings... :) As you can tell!

Awesome snakes, you've got quite a collection going.


05-20-04, 07:03 PM

Those last two are toooo sweet! :)

05-20-04, 07:26 PM
beautifull snakes aswell as pics!

05-20-04, 08:16 PM
Jason, they're all absolutely gorgeous!! That first thayeri... you need to send him/her to me right now :p Or you're in big trouble... lol. I LOVE that snake. Last one's really cool too... actually, they're all beautiful, you should just send them all ;)

The hondo is very nice as well -- now where's the pics of your greybands?? I want to seeeeee them! ;)


05-20-04, 08:52 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

Oliverain: The first four are 100% Thayeri, and yes they are incredibly variable. The first and the last (Thayeri) share the same dame. She looks almost identical to the white one.

Jen: How about when it's time for them to reproduce, I'll send you a pair. Just pay the shipping. :D I can't just GIVE them to you now can I? :) The one you adore so is a female named Rio. I didn't have enough room in my gallery for the Greybands. One is opaque. I'll get some pictures up of both of them as soon as the one sheds.

05-20-04, 09:15 PM
Jason -- sounds damn fine to me! :D I've got a few years to wait though, eh... lol. Can't wait to see pics of the greybands :)

05-20-04, 09:31 PM
Great looking collection!!! I'd have to say, I like #1 & #4 the most, great colors on them ;) .

05-20-04, 10:00 PM
Excellent thayeri - you do have a wonderful collection and getting a digicam is a great idea so you can share photos here more often. Love the hypo hondo too,

mary v.

05-21-04, 06:59 AM
Nice collection you have going there Enso ;)

05-21-04, 08:41 AM
Nice collection there~

lovely pictures~