View Full Version : Blue Beauty Eggs *pics*

05-20-04, 02:58 PM
Stav may recognize this li'l female. I bought this gal from him last year. Her and her brother. Well today she laid! Well actually, she started yesterday. Before Vanan and I settled to a movie I check in on her. She was 15 days post shed, and I was a bit concerned. I put two different sized lay containers for her, and just the day before covered up her cage so she wouldn't be bothered by movement in the living room. So anyways, before the movie, she had three eggs, and then after the movie four.

Note how thin and long the eggs are!!
<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/bluemidegg.jpg>

So in the morning we checked on her, and found eight beautiful eggs! Look at what a momma she is!!

<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/bluefinalegg.jpg>

I'm sooo happy!!!!

In the lay container, is peat moss and toilet paper. Leader doesn't have moss, so I had to go with what I had! <laugh>

05-20-04, 03:02 PM
Oh wow....


A job well done Katt!! Give yourself a pat on the back!!

Lovely looking eggs and great looking mom~~

05-20-04, 03:04 PM
Right on Katt!!!!!! Mamma is a beautiful snake.

05-20-04, 04:12 PM
Cool congrats Katt, they don't look anything like my eggs though. Mine are big and round. Mark

05-20-04, 04:14 PM
Congrats, Katt! :)

The eggs almost look like white hotdogs in that first pic! lol :D

05-20-04, 04:15 PM
Hey Mark. Yeah, a female with more eggs has rounder eggs. There's some pics of female blues with eggs in the forum that can not be named. The younger females with a smaller number of eggs have long thin eggs. There's a pic of a momma with 21 and they are small and round.

05-20-04, 05:40 PM
Way to go Katt...nice healthy eggs..

05-20-04, 06:01 PM
beautiful snake, and congrats on the eggs!

05-20-04, 06:11 PM
Yep I remember this litle gem Katt;)
Congrats with the eggs they are gorgeous snakes I'll show Denis the pic :thumbsup: Make sure to take some pics when they hatch;)


05-20-04, 06:47 PM
they look stunning! congrats Katt!

05-20-04, 07:57 PM
She's gorgeous Katt -- congrats on those eggs!! :D

Scales Zoo
05-20-04, 07:59 PM
Those eggs look like spalarosophis diadema eggs (going by pictures, never seen them in real life). I wonder if they'll stay that shape? I'm sure the babies are more comfy in them.

I'll ask Byron about his 2 clutches, I think he mentioned his being elongated also (also first clutch females).


05-20-04, 09:58 PM
congrats, and good luck on incubation.

05-20-04, 11:36 PM
Here's what things looked like here this year just so everyone can see that you can't tell what it is just by looking at the eggs. Mark

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/VBB EGGS 2004.JPG"width="600">

05-21-04, 10:10 PM
Beautiful snake.

What is the average cost of a blue beauty, and what are their temperments like?

05-21-04, 10:26 PM
for my niece that never wanted to breed her herps, you look like you're doing pretty damn good.
You've had a bit of bumpy start, but things are really looking up. I big hug and congratulations to you.
Now its the long wait for hatchlings!

05-22-04, 03:25 AM
Excellent pics Katt, and congrats and thanks for sharing. I can not get over how blue that girl is. I just picked up a female from someone in your neck of the woods and she is so much bluer then my male. I am looking forward offspring next year.

Question to anyone who might be able to answer...
Can you double clutch VBB's?

Sapphire Moon: Their temperments appear to be at both ends of the spectrum. The female I picked up recently is totally approachable with no problems. The male on the other hand, has to let me know that he is the boss when I take him out of his enclosure. After a short while though he does calm down. Pricing appears to be around the 150.00 to 300.00 range depending on age and source. I got my male at a smoking deal..but we won't go there..;)


05-22-04, 12:22 PM
I was considering trying a double clutch this year, but I don't think I'm going to though. I think 17 little VBBs will be enough for me this year, with people like Katt & Byron producing out west here as well. Wouldn't want to flood the market too bad. Plus I'd rather give her a well deserved break until next year again. Mark
P.S. in reguards to temperment, they are not for the easily intimidated LOL & certain specimens can be challenging, but most are just fine.

05-23-04, 11:01 AM
Hehehehe. Vanan and I would love to keep all the VBB babies, but I would really like to trade out some to diversify blood lines. And then keep as many as possible. So I may not have that many to sell anyway Mark!

Hopefully blues will find more of a following out here, so that all your little babies find homes!!

05-27-04, 09:32 AM
awesome katt!

05-27-04, 01:25 PM
Wow is all I can say!

05-28-04, 07:53 AM
Awesome Katt congrats !!!

05-28-04, 04:58 PM
Congrats on those eggs. Like i keep saying to jwsporty...Those snakes look so saucy. Ok Jim. I am afraid of them. There, i said it. lol!
