View Full Version : Are there any Boas with solid patterns

05-19-04, 11:01 PM
I mean without the difference in the tail end of their bodies. People seem to love it but i find it to be unattractive. I would like to know if their is a possible suggestion while staying very close to the common B.C.

05-19-04, 11:12 PM
hmmm, do you mean in colour or shape of the saddle ?? IF you mean colour, then a Bci would have less of a difference , I’ve seen ones with no red at all just black, BCC and called True red tailed, for a reason. You could try Dumeril's Boa, much more expensive though. There’s a nice pick in the general boa forum. Shows the tail pattern.

05-19-04, 11:21 PM
here are a couple of species that have the same pattern all the way down to the tip of the tail

The Western Cuba Banded dwarf boa (tropidophis feicki) black and white boa
The Oaxacan dwarf boa (Exiliboa placata) solid black boa

i know these are not even close to being like the common bci or bcc but they look really amazing

05-19-04, 11:23 PM
Yeah, I definetly already have plans for a Dumerils but i was hoping to find B.C without much color difference aswell as even the difference in pattern. The pattern seems relatively organized but once you get to the bottom, anything seems to go.

05-20-04, 01:24 PM
try a boa constrictor longicauda (black tail peruvian) They are rare, and expensive, but they generally keep the same black color all the way down, and have no red in them.

05-20-04, 02:12 PM
Thanks I'll take a look at all of the suggested.

05-20-04, 03:31 PM
BC amarali (short tailed boa) has a beautiful saddle pattern that runs almost the entire length of the body...tails are very short, usually consisting of four bands of red. When I have the cash, that's the next addition on my list.