View Full Version : burm or blood
05-19-04, 10:26 PM
I know neither of the snakes are alike much at all but i would like to know which one you think would be the better snake to have as far as expenses and temperment.I have the room to house a 15-20 foot snake but would rather not, are there any ways to sex them when young?Id like to get a male if i get a burm, I dont want a 20+ foot female that wieghs 8675407856 pounds.
Post your opinions on these 2 snakes people!
thank you
05-19-04, 10:42 PM
I'd go for a blood python. Smaller, cheaper to feed, easier to clean. But be aware that even a blood is WAY more complicated in its care than a boa or a ball python. As long as you are prepared to meet the animal's needs, not your own, you should do ok with a blood.
05-19-04, 10:44 PM
not to be conceited but most definetly confident, I can care for a Burm or Bloods needs rather easily once set up (I have all the time in the world) my only factor thats left is which will be more aggressive in the end?
05-19-04, 10:46 PM
Burms get big, but are known for being very docile. Yes you can have them sexed. Thing about burms is even a male at 15 feet + is a BIG snake. Also although your pretty safe with a male being smaller then a female there are no grantees. also you could pick up a baby "male" that’s been sexed incorrectly. or your burm could turn mean. That’s allot of If's but you have too be prepared for all of them. If you go with a burm you cant pick up a male assuming it will be smaller got to be willing too keep it no matter what. and they can pound back the food.
As for Bloods, they are in my opinion, a very impressive snake. I've heard they have a nasty disposition, but in all honesty I believe this was picked up when the majority were wild caught. I’ve seen very calm captive bread ones. They do not get very long but attain a large girth, so they still and big heavy snakes. They do have more specific needs, such as very high humidity. So a cage should be designed for that, with very little air flow, too keep humidity high.
I would suggest thinking very carefully before getting a burm, they get BIG and eat allot. They are too large too handle alone so you will need too have somebody too help you with cleaning and moving the snake. You said you have the room for the large enclosure but keeping that large of an enclosure heated properly and with the right humidity can be a little trickier then a smaller cage.
Bloods, have an impressive size due too the girth, but will not require any where near the size cage of a burm. and are easier too handle (size wise). But again due too there specific needs can present a housing challenge in another way.
Both are amazing animals in my mind. So long as you can care properly for whichever animal you chose.
05-19-04, 11:00 PM
ahh so hard of a choice.
Well answer this one....With regular handling of a burm from a little hatchling on up to the big 16 footer he will be what are the odds or chances of having a nasy snake that only sees you as a threat?
Does anyone have some opinions on burm personalitys, if so plz do tell do tell.
thank you for your help
05-20-04, 09:34 AM
any snake can "Turn mean" no matter how long you had it, or how much you handle it.
05-20-04, 01:36 PM
i know that.......i said ODDS OR CHANCE
Bloods are great! But they do have there needs. The girth on a Blood will make you look twice lol. They get very heavy. And they are not slow at all. They act it but when the time comes they strike very fast.
I love all mine and would not give them up for the world. Burms are cool but Bloods are AWESOME IMO.
Also I have Bloods on Rabbits so the food thing still gets a bit pricy.
There are no "odds or chances". If you get a 'mean' snake, you get a mean snake. Period.
05-24-04, 12:03 PM
jeeze i dont know.....there both such awesome snakes.The only reason i wouldnt want a burm is if I were to end up with a 17 ft female that cant tolerate you coming near it.......that would suck
With proper handling and caring of the burm do you think if it were to be tolerant as a juvenile it would keep its temperment?
Thank You all
05-24-04, 12:25 PM
actually they can get bigger than that, so if you don't want a "long" snake, then don't get a burm.
Any snake can be "tolerant" as a baby/juvenile, but as they get bigger devlope more of an attitude, doesn't matter on handling or not. atleast IMPO
05-24-04, 01:49 PM
Either will be fine as long as you are prepared & responsible enough to provide proper care & husbandry for the next 20+ years. The Burm being a much BIGGER responsibilty. I hate seeing all these 1-2 year old Burms for sale because they got to big, or I had to move or I lost my job or got a new girlfriend or we are going to have a baby. These are all factors that should have been part of the orginal equation prior purchase. Remember these are pets for life or a very long time. If you cannot commit yourself 1000% for sure (not saying you can't or anything) IMHO you should not consider a Burm nor should anyone else who can't have the proper foresight to maintain one despite lifes other challenges. Enough RANT & good luck with what you choose. I would go for the blood myself as it will be much easier to maintain both time & space wise. Mark
05-24-04, 03:14 PM
From my personal experience, you are more likely to end up with a docile burm than a docile blood - but as Sheila from Scales Zoo so brilliantly put it, bloods are the most HONEST snakes in the world - if they don't want you touching them, they will not hesitate for a split second to get your hand off them. :) However, most keep their temperaments. Get one that's docile from the get-go, treat it right (tons of moisture, huge meals, proper heat, a little bit of handling, but not too much), and when it's 6' long and 45 lbs, assuming you're strong enough, they can be a super impressive animal to have around. Just make sure you have a gas mask for when they leave 3lbs of crap in a moist enclosure. *gag*
05-24-04, 08:12 PM
LOL....the poo scares me but i think im leaning into a blood more and more..the shear size of a burm is far too large to handle with one person.The blood atleast can be in a cage that isnt exactly my entire room ya kno.....But one day much farther down the road I will get one for sure.
i dont think this is the right forum but what about the green tree python or a emerald or amazon boa.Those are extaticly impressive animals.....anyone have these?If so tell me your experiences on these amazing lookers.
05-24-04, 09:33 PM
If u dont want anything aggressive... then defenitly stay away from most arboreal boas and pythons...especiially the ones you just listed....those ones you just listed are about as meen and snappy as you can get
my 2 cent
05-25-04, 05:43 AM
yes but that 17 footer wwhen mean would be impossible for me to handle or get out or even just clean its cage on my own.............i cant do it
05-25-04, 03:04 PM
Go with a Blood. Very few people can handle Burms.....thats why they are so often dumped into adoptions.
05-26-04, 09:37 PM
yeah def blood or another carpet.....great snakes by the way!!!!highly recommended for someone who doesnt mind a snappy juvenile and a awesome snake once calmed down
05-27-04, 07:18 AM
Also be aware that any snake can have a bad day and just not want to be messed with. If a large Burm is having an off day it will be a LOT more dangerous than a Blood on a bad day.
05-27-04, 11:06 AM
i agree.......even my JCP has its moments lol
BTW do you breed your jungle and coastal??
05-27-04, 05:51 PM
wowza.....I just handled a small burm probly 2 feet long at the most and he was quite the little snapper indeed......I never thought I would hear a hiss like taht come from such a little guy....hehe.........The decision is blood or coastal carpet......this wont be easy
05-28-04, 12:28 PM
are you kidding! my little 13 inch w.hognose sounds like a freakin punctured car tire!
Go with the blood for sure. There feeding response is amazing. IMO. Size is big but not huge and you just need to make sure to set everything up well before and spend some time with the blood and it will be amazing.
05-29-04, 11:14 PM
hey i always say the big the better so go with the burm:)
05-30-04, 01:41 PM
bigger the better huh?You can always say that but I wont be saying it.
I like burms over blood pythons, my experience with burms has been that they're gentle where bloods have a nasty reputation (the one we had used to leap up to bite you).
06-03-04, 10:15 PM
hmm i duno i may jsut go with a coastal carpet and almost for sure have a nice snake
06-04-04, 09:01 AM
go with what YOU like, not what everyone else likes. So far my blood is a sweetie (though kinda grumpy right now because it's feeding day).
Their nasty reputation is from when they were fresh imports. But I guess some snakes are just meaner than others.
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