View Full Version : feeder rabbits

05-18-04, 09:27 PM
hi....would anyone know the easiest and most humaine way to pre-kill a rabbit.....mice and rats are fairly easy if you hold their head down and pull on the tail but rabbits are a bit more difficult......any ideas?


05-18-04, 11:31 PM
CO2 is good. It's a quick and humane way of killing and if introduced at a slow rate puts them right to sleep without any "screaming."
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~

05-19-04, 07:07 AM
how much CO2 is needed for a full grown rat or full grown rabbit?

05-19-04, 07:32 AM
When ferreting, i always hold the rabbits back legs and hit it with a quick hard blow behind the ears with a priest (large heavy stick/club) this may not sound very pleasant but i have found it the most efficient way.

05-19-04, 08:53 AM
Thats what i have been doing so far but i dont like doing it no more.....its sometimes messy and stressfull........just looking for a new method

05-19-04, 12:33 PM
I do agree its not the most pleasant or appealing way lol, hope you find another method though hope all is well
cheers Will

05-19-04, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by timminsreptiles
how much CO2 is needed for a full grown rat or full grown rabbit?

when i co2 rats i use dry ice in water to generate the co2.

i don't know how much to do one rat but it's really governed by the size of the gas chamber. to do about 30-50 i use a large handful (wear gloves) of dry ice pellets and drop them in about a litre of hot water. this generates lots of fog (co2 gas) and fills my chamber with co2