View Full Version : Canadian Alternative?

05-18-04, 08:51 PM
Is there a product that anyone sells here in Canada that is either the same or slightly different then this one offered by Big Apple Herps?


05-18-04, 09:16 PM
TSC Store's have one very similar.. they are $89.97 and have been discontinued so i'm not sure how many of the TSC stores still have any.. I know we have 2 left at the Woodstock TSC.. and they also have a ground fault outlet on them..

05-19-04, 05:56 AM
Do you have a product name for them?

05-19-04, 06:50 AM
no but i will get you one and a product sku # tonight when i go to work.

If you went to the store they are with barn fan supplies and temp controls...

05-19-04, 06:52 AM
I might go to the TSC out in Bellville since it is a little bit closer, was hopeing to call them first see if they have any, if not I'll be going out to woodstock to get them.

05-19-04, 07:11 AM
ok well hold off and i'll get you a product name and a sku # so you can call Bellville and give them that product # and they can tell you if they have any.. and if they dont then they can transfer one from another store because i know we have 2 in stock at woodstock.. I was looking at them last night..

05-19-04, 07:24 AM
Here's an even better one ;) http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=119

05-19-04, 07:42 AM
Hmmmmmmmm, I've looked at those before but never at the whole picture. I've got 4 cages to controll, 3 are necessary to controll, the 4th no so much because he won't be used for breeding. So mabye it makes sense to buy the big unit and have the one unit controll all 4 cages.......

hmmmmmmm something to think about because the price of $425 for the one unit is about what I would end up paying after taxes and gas spent driving to get it if I bought 4 seperate thermostats for each cage.

05-19-04, 07:43 AM
Try loking in hydroponic store... they have lots of things that us herpers use.


05-19-04, 07:59 AM
If your from toronto and am heading out towards belleville ...theres a TSC store in bowmanville ... just take the 401 to liberty street ...follow liberty north to the first set of lights ...make a left ... drive for 10 seconds and its on ur left that should easily save u about 30 - 40 extra min each way

05-19-04, 08:02 AM
I meant bowmanville, I allways get those two cities scrwed up on which one is closer to Toronto.

05-19-04, 10:12 PM
with the price of gas... belleville would cost you a mint... mind you gas is only 80 some odd cents in belleville.

05-20-04, 08:40 PM
Who was the one that picked up the ones here in Woodstock? I was talking to my co-worker tonight and he said that one of you were in asking for me and about the temp control

Corey Woods
05-21-04, 05:44 AM
Helix is the best. WWW.HelixControls.Com


05-21-04, 06:01 AM

Not I.


Yea Helix is a really nice thermostat but a couple of things...

1) It's a US company so I still get bent over at the border for taxes.

2) I know there has to be a way to hook up multiple probes to the thermostat to controll multiple cages but I don't see that option avilable on the website.

05-21-04, 06:47 AM
yeah i'm not sure.. I know he said he was from woodstock and i guess he's in quite often.. I'd just like to know who he was.. Good to keep in touch with fellow herpers in the same small city

05-21-04, 07:33 AM
Yea, I need to find some out in the Keswick area. Would be nice to know who I can talk to about the hobby and who I can't because of the strict bylaws in Keswick.

05-21-04, 07:43 AM
Actually it was wizwise2000 and his wife who took my wife Jen to get it hehe and thanks for the tip its working great :)

05-21-04, 07:49 AM
Awesome.. hey do you happen to have msn or an email address Aztec?

05-21-04, 07:58 AM

Would you happen to have the sku# of the thermostat? Thanks!

05-21-04, 08:12 AM
Sure paintball its aztec@lincsat.com

05-21-04, 12:29 PM
i dont have it here .. i haven't worked since tuesday.. and dont work until saturday... however sat night at about 6:45pm i can email it to you OR give me your phone # and i can call you straight from work on saturday .. PM me with details