View Full Version : 1 more feeding question

05-18-04, 01:07 PM
Sorry if this was asked a bunch of times.. How can i convert my baby burm to eat dead mice? I tried and it just ignores the mouse.. It eats the live mice with no problems..

05-18-04, 03:45 PM
You want to get your Burm on rats as soon as possible. They're more nutritious, and a small Burm can easily take a hopper rat or larger (depending on how big your Burm is). I've had very fussy Burms that just didn't want to switch.

There are a few ways of doing this. First you can start offering fresh killed. Second you can withhold food for a month or so until the snake decides that it will take p/k.

I would really try to get it eating rats though very soon. Avoid feeding a live rat; they can be dangerous. I'd get the snake taking p/k , then start senting rats with mice. But like I said, there's alot of different ways of going about this, and others will most likely have better suggestions.

05-18-04, 04:27 PM
Hmmm if he’s picky maybe you should try rat pups live first too get him used too rats then convert him too pre killed, I never had that problem, my baby burm had a live mouse his first feeding and a F/T the next then right too f/t rats. Good luck,

05-18-04, 11:15 PM
See like I said, better suggestions than me. Best of luck and let us know how you make out.

05-19-04, 12:24 PM
thanks for the info :)

05-28-04, 06:42 PM
my baby boy would not touch mice when i got him and wouldn't eat f/t rat pups so I put in live hampster pup, followed 5 days later with with a f/t hampster. He ate a half dozen hampsters and has been taking f/t rats ever since