05-18-04, 07:35 AM
I had to laugh :D
Karma shed and poo'd, so I opened the container, took out the poo'd on decor as she hid in her coco-hide.
The lil poohead came out of her hide, smelling around. Completely normal......
the lil bugger had her jaws dislocated(seperated, not sure the technical word for it ) waiting on the food :eek: No food was too be found tho. She was a wee bit disappointed LOL.
Was more funny to actually see it.
Karma shed and poo'd, so I opened the container, took out the poo'd on decor as she hid in her coco-hide.
The lil poohead came out of her hide, smelling around. Completely normal......
the lil bugger had her jaws dislocated(seperated, not sure the technical word for it ) waiting on the food :eek: No food was too be found tho. She was a wee bit disappointed LOL.
Was more funny to actually see it.