View Full Version : early birthday present

05-17-04, 11:56 PM

It's a week early for my birthday, but there are other eggs in the clutch so who knows. Not sure I'd want a lizard called Dave Junior, anyway.

05-17-04, 11:58 PM
LOL... congrats and happy early birthday! :D

05-18-04, 06:42 AM
Congrats David, that is awesome!! A long awaited event too, I'm sure ;) Too bad you're way over there on "the Island".........

I'd be very intersted in seeing some close ups of the little buggars to see how they compare with Franks. Baby Lacies are all just so pretty!


05-18-04, 10:14 PM
Thanks, guys.

Jon, I'll try to get some closeup shots on the weekend. I snapped the above shot just before transferring the bub over to another enclosure so it wouldn't disturb the other eggs (you can see that it flung its own egg already, down at the bottom of the pic). It is a pretty little thing, though, like a piece of living jewelry.

05-18-04, 10:17 PM
Speachless....simply speachless.

05-19-04, 09:21 AM
WOW, congratulations!

05-19-04, 09:44 AM
Thats amazing man!! is this your first time hatching them?? very nice!! and good luck with them!

05-19-04, 10:13 AM
Absolutely beautiful! Congrats!

05-19-04, 10:42 AM
Lacies are the all-time coolest!!

05-19-04, 10:59 AM
Awesome are they babie crocs I'm not good at identifying between the crocs and niles and ornates....etc etc

How much do they run I'd love a nile or croc:)

05-19-04, 10:59 AM
Nevermind I read Jeffs post ahha....still curious as to how much they are?

05-19-04, 11:07 AM
Hey Don, if you could find any in North America they would probably be in the thousands of dollars range. No exports from Australia. Dave

05-19-04, 08:02 PM
$30,000 for a trio was the last advertised price I saw for confirmed, REAL, CB Varanus varius

05-19-04, 11:24 PM
V.hb. first time hatching them, yes.

Bit of a story there. My pair mated the first season I had them together. Although the female didn't look in the least bit gravid, her behaviour suggested that she might be and when she went off her feed I knew something was about to happen. That's when the unexpected happened and I was rushed to the hospital for an emergency, not to return home for a week. When I got home the female was hungry and took food immediately. A day or two later, two egg shells appeared in amongst faeces, most likely the male's. The bit that p!ssed me off the most was knowing I wasn't going to get another crack at it for a whole year (my animals seem to be fairly seasonal in their mating habits, even though I keep them warm for 8 or 9 months out of 12). They mated again the following year and the results are hatching now.

She double clutched this time around, so after these hatch out I can start holding my breath again for the next lot.

05-20-04, 10:57 AM
Wow, that would really suck.. But it looks like it all turned out for you in the end, best of luck with them!! now, if only my albigs would start producing, I could be in for a very early birthday present by the looks of things :)