View Full Version : preferred bedding

05-17-04, 07:26 PM
Whats the preferred bedding for corn snake if you are keeping them in tanks? Cypress,Aspen, or other.

05-17-04, 07:27 PM
Aspen if you've only got one or two. Having 13 corns,we keep them on paper towel because the cleaning is so much easier and the cost is much lower. I'd have all the corns on aspen if I could afford it.

05-17-04, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the quick reply, I have been using cypress but its hard to clean out the waste..

05-17-04, 07:45 PM
Hey James! I just use newspaper for all of my snakes. Much easier and cost efficient if you ask me. :D

05-17-04, 07:59 PM
Thanks...I keep mine on display in my house, get alot of attention from the neighbors. They think I am wierd and I kinda like it that way. been using cypress but it is hard to get the poop out. aspen is dusty but I dont like the look of paper... going to try aspen I guess and see how that goes

05-17-04, 10:36 PM
We used to use aspen and it was fine, but not as absorbant as I wanted. We have switched to Carefresh which is like a recycled paper product and been quite happy with it. It is very absorbant, makes it quite easy to spot clean and has a reasonably natural look for display. Only problem is that it is rather light weight and the snakes tend to pile it in the corners and into the water dishes. It is also rather expensive, but so far it is not as dusty as aspen and seems to be decent for spot cleaning. Still need to clean out completely on a regular basis though,

mary v.

05-17-04, 10:50 PM
I use paper towel for almost everything. It's easy to ditch it all and replace with new anytime I want. And it's pretty cheap when you buy larger amounts.


05-18-04, 10:28 AM
I have most snakes on BETA CHIP. It clumps when wet and you simply spot clean until it looks really soiled. Its cheap, 10 bucks for a huge bag.
Its small enough that ingestion isn't a problem, but dont feed wet prey on it, to prevent the "shake and bake" effect..

05-18-04, 02:22 PM
Beta Chip rocks. All my Hondos, baby Carpets, Womas and baby BP's are on it. Super cheap. I buy 5 or 6 bags ONCE a year, and that's it, I'm done!

05-18-04, 02:58 PM
Where do you get the "Beta Chip"? All I could find on a search was the company that makes it, I've never seen it for sale anywhere.

05-18-04, 09:47 PM
I agree Betachip is one of the best substrates I've ever used ,all my colubrids are on it. not dusty at all. You should be able to get at a feed store or pet supply place,its used as rodent bedding in labs. Grant