View Full Version : Drymarchon corais couperi

05-17-04, 01:03 PM
I am new in the forum here, I live in Germany and who can has a Drymarchon corais couperi female and looks for another male for me of a reliable dealers give or who has to sell one.!
best regards

05-17-04, 01:26 PM
Hi myself & a friend own an adult breeding pair together. We successfully produced last season & are hoping to again this season. We are still hoping for eggs at the present so only time will tell. There will be posts made here once (if) we get eggs again this season. I know of a few others that may also produce this season as well? Keep in touch & I'll let you know how things go with the breeding efforts this season. Mark IsBell

05-17-04, 01:51 PM
Here's a pic from the other day of my unrelated 2002 male that I recv. from Ryan & Sheila earlier this year in a trade. He's got 2 holdback 2003 females lined up for him here in a few years time. He's all boxed up, but he ain't going nowhere LOL Enjoy Mark

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/EI2002MALE.JPG"width="600">

05-17-04, 09:34 PM
Héhe Mark!
mine are growing like weeds!

Scales Zoo
05-17-04, 10:02 PM
Hi Justin!

The 1.2 babies we got from Mark are growing like weeds also.

We won't be attempting any breeding until 2006, but with Marks newly diversified stock, and groups, we hope to be able to co-ordinate efforts and keep some healthy diversity of indigo bloodlines breeding right here in Western Canada.

And as Mark said, there are other people working with other adults. It's a tricky species, but I hope more people in Canada will start trying to breed indigos, and keep the bloodlines healthy.


05-18-04, 12:49 PM
Salut Justin! How are you Mon Ami? Glad to hear all the kids are doing well. My girls & the new male are all doing really great too With any luck they will be ready in probably 2007. Ryan & Sheila have females that are a year older than mine. Sibs to the male pictured (correct me if I'm wrong R&S) as well as 2 of mine & Kyle's 2003 girls for the following years efforts. I too will be looking forward to seeing more produced in Western Canada. With any luck maybe Nett or Pat Dring will produce this year also? Good Luck to everyone working with them anyway. Mark

05-22-04, 10:59 AM
Have you tried Indigosnakes.com

05-22-04, 12:24 PM
You can't legally get them out of the US & I beleive thats where http://www.indigosnakes.com is out of. Mark