View Full Version : Freaked out mom

05-15-04, 09:00 PM
My mom was on Pender Island when she was walking on the way to the ferry and there was a guy with a Boa Constrictor (could be a burm but the way she described it sounded more like a Boa) around his neck that was 7-8 ft. long ( that's at least what she said.) She almost got run over because she was freaked out and she has the biggest phobia for snakes. Know I just wish I was there in stead of my mom Lol! It's kind of ironic that my mom has this huge phobia over snakes and I love them so much. If my mom didn't this phobia I would probably at least have corn snake know. But I'm workin the phobia of reptiles out of her know she'll handle my leo with no worries and she'll even call him cute. Well it'll just take a long while for her to get over it but at least she's making progress. Last year she couldn't be anywhere near a lizard. So all best hopes she'll get over it.

Fox Hound
05-16-04, 11:01 AM
my mom is the same... im kind of pissed at my parents for not letting me have reptiles... i've always wanted to become a veterinarian but never had a chance to handle and care for them...

when i turned 19 i got fed up, so i bought a crap load of herps... now that there here and they arent leaving... i wish i could enrole into university for vet, but im doing something else, argh...

05-16-04, 11:19 AM
It's the same with me. My mom hates just about every animal. Though, my dad loves them. I'm trying to figure out a way to get my mom to start liking snakes especially; because I'm thinking of getting some BP's, ATB's, and ETB's. She'll love them! :P

05-16-04, 11:43 AM
my mom was the one that got me into my huge love of reptiles, one of my favorite things to do when i was like 5 was watch her boa take down live mice. for a while i lived with my grandparents and i had lots of herps including snakes and my dad and step mom wanted me to come live with them but my step mom really didnt want the snakes to come but she knew if they couldn't come then i wouldn't. so she let them all live in the garage and i slowly got her use to the snakes, she will actually poke them, its amazing. i'v actually got 3 snakes in my bed room now, but now i'm moving away lol. just work with the parents, they cave eventually.

05-23-04, 01:39 AM
My parents never wanted me to keep anything. So, I moved out.

Problem solved. Now I've got a zoo of animals with me. I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way.


05-23-04, 09:33 AM
When I was younger and wanted a snake I ended up with a gecko, who died of a birth defect (that’s what the vet told me) . Then I coned my mom into at least taking me too see a snake that was for sale in the paper. The guy had a ball, she was 3yo and about 4'. But what I neglected too mention he also had a 16+ foot burm. When we got there, I had asked too see both. The ball python my mom though was HUGE. Then the guy started locking his cats and dog into kennels, and my mom though the little ball must be the most dangerous thing in the world and he laughed and said were not locking then up for her, its so this guy doesn’t get them, and he pulled out the big burm. My mom almost fainted and suddenly she could care less if I had that tiny little ball so long as we could leave that house and NEVER get a burm Ha ha. 6 years later, I now have a zoo, including my albino burm. But she got so used too the ball while I was living at home she no longer was bothered by the others. (although she still does not like any snakes over 6’)

05-24-04, 09:31 AM
My mom is terrified of snakes. She pretty near faints when she sees one on TV. I think she's making progress though. She said when she comes to visit me next month, I might not have to board them out since they've been moved to locked cages in my bedroom. :) Believe me, that's progress.