View Full Version : What kind of snake is this?
05-15-04, 02:12 PM
I just caught it in my backyard, trying to find out what kind it is...
It's about 12 inches long. We've had a lot of rain lately here and I found it slithering around in pudsles int he back yard near my pool.
I've been looking up pictures of most of the types of snakes we have around here (Louisiana) and it doesn't really look like any of them from what I've seen... can anyone help me?
Sorry, couldn't get a better pic yet... it's in the only thing I could find to hold it in temporarily... and this 25kb size limit isn't helping much ;)
That is a Midland or Salt Marsh Water Snake (nerodia sipedon pleuralis)
It feeds mostly on aquatic prey BUT can learn to take frozen thawed rodents.
If you keep it, make sure to provide a good size water bowl.
Good luck
05-15-04, 02:28 PM
Awesome, thanks.
So I guess I wuld be correct in assuming this snake is non-venomous?
Also, from what I'm reading right now about this type of snake, they are found in marshy areas mainly. Is it unusual that I found it in a sub-urban area with almost no water around (except for the standing water left by the storms we've had)
I guess I'll go get an aquarium for it tonight and keep it. I sold my ball python and reticulated python a while back and have been wanting a new snake ever since ;)
Totaly non venomous....
You mentioned it was found in a rain puddle, they cover lots of ground when habitat is somewhat wet.
Also, I beleive they tolerate backish to mild salt water BUT prefer fresh water.
05-15-04, 03:07 PM
It looks like it has recently ate to, unless thats it's stripes giving it that look......really neat looking snake!
05-15-04, 03:22 PM
How much water do I need in cage for it? I currently have a ~11x6inch bowl with 3 inches of water in it, is this ample?
Also, what can I feed it for the time being? We have tons of green tree frogs out here, would those be good?
I'll probably end up buying some guppies and stocking it's water bowl with them heh... would that work?
I would freeze some mice, but I don't think it's big enough to eat them yet. It's only about 10-12 inches long
05-15-04, 03:23 PM
" It looks like it has recently ate to, unless thats it's stripes giving it that look......really neat looking snake!"
Yeah, I noticed that.. it's pretty fat... probably having a field day with all the frogs this rain has brought out.
05-15-04, 03:53 PM
Better pic now that I got it in an aquarium:
Kyle Walkinshaw
05-15-04, 03:57 PM
I would freeze some mice, but I don't think it's big enough to eat them yet. It's only about 10-12 inches long
You can buy pinkie mice for it at almost every petstore that sells reptiles.
05-15-04, 04:02 PM
That's right, didn't even think about those. Thanks
05-15-04, 04:13 PM
What kind of shavings are those? They look like cedar shavings
05-15-04, 04:21 PM
yeah cedar was all i had... i figured it wouldn't hurt to keep it with cedar shavings for a few hours
I'm probably going to go get turf tonight for it, either that or aspen shavings
05-15-04, 04:37 PM
You should take the snake off the cedar right away...cedar is toxic to snakes!
:D just a thought.
I think honestly the best bet would be to release that animal where you found it, keeping a snake you know nothing about hardly ever turns into a nice story! Good luck with whatever your decision is!
I agree with Joe on this (wow, never thought i would say that!).. It's likely in your best interest as well as the snakes.
Jeff Hathaway
05-15-04, 05:10 PM
And I'll concur with both Matt and Joe. There are lots of better pet snakes out there that are captive bred, including salt marsh snakes if you decide you like them. However, that looks to me more like a midland water.
If you do keep it, don't keep it with a lot of water. They are quite prone to skin infections if they are damp. I know this sounds weird since they're water snakes, but it is true. A water bowl similar to what you'd use for a corn or king is fine. Feeding a nutritionally sound diet can be a challenge; look at some of the various threads on feeding garters/ribbons/waters for some further insights on this. On the cedar issue, a few hours shouldn't hurt anything.
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
05-15-04, 05:28 PM
Thanks to everyone giving input saying I should let it go and find another breed, but I think I can handle it. I've had snakes before, so I at least have a litle experience.
As far as the cedar goes, I know it's not good to keep snakes in it for an extended period of time.. as far as I know, it just irritates their mucous membranes. I don't know if I'd use the word toxic though.
Also, I know that wild snakes generally can make bad pets, and I have also read lots of stuff claiming that water snakes are real aggressive. This one is actually pretty docile, I have been handling it and it hasn't tried to strike at me or bite me yet... seems pretty comfortable atually.
I read about the skin infection/blister thing, but I heard it generally won't be a problem if I use a bedding such as aspen that allows them to dry off completely, because the infections are due to them being damp and not able to dry off, can you offer any insight into this?
05-15-04, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by ThrowedOff
I don't know if I'd use the word toxic though.
I would, and anyone who has made the mistake, or heard tell of someone who has, would too. Cedar phenols are toxic to reptiles (capable of causing injury or death, especially by chemical means).
I also agree wth Matt, Joe, and Jeff... please let it go. Just my opinion, but I never could fathom how someone can be content knowing they have removed an animal from the wild - the "tree hugger" in me I suppose ;)
But, as Joe said, good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Jeff Hathaway
05-15-04, 06:56 PM
Aspen is okay, but if it gets damp, they'll be damp, and they'll get infections. I only use newspaper with water snakes (and most others). Even then, I've had occasional problems with skin infections. A good basking light with a rock under it does seem to help- clean and bleach the rock regularly.
Another problem with aspen- most of the foods for Nerodia will get a lot of aspen stuck to them, so a greater risk of ingestion by the snake.
Water snakes are not aggressive, except towards their prey. Wild ones are often highly defensive- they will readily bite if handled. It has been my experience, though, that juvenile natricines almost never bite, but get more likely to with age. Many other snakes (Elaphe, Lampropeltis, etc.) seem to be the opposite- juveniles are much more skittish and prone to biting, but adults are more mellow. Either way, once used to people, they rarely bite. I've had both CB and WC specimens of several different species of Nerodia in the past, and all eventually calmed down nicely (except the WC N. taxispilota, but it was in bad shape and didn't live long enough to be considered a fair representation).
As for letting it go, it isn't just a question of whether you can 'handle it'. I'm sure you're capable of giving it adequate basic husbandry, if you put your mind to it. However, do you even know whether it is legal for you to keep it in your area, or to collect it from the wild? At the end of the day, it is a wild snake, and I think it belongs in the wild, unless there is some good specific reason to take it into captivity.
BTW, I currently have 9 Nerodia. I love them, and I use them a lot in educational programs. However, if I was just considering a pet, they'd be WAY down on my list of pet species.
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
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