View Full Version : white's tree frogs

bulls eye ball
05-14-04, 11:15 AM
hi how do i find out the sex of my white's tree frogs and one is a light green and the other is a dark green.they both have little white spots on them.

05-14-04, 11:44 AM
Hmm, I know mines a male because he croaks, that’s the only way I know too tell, how big are yours?? Females normally are bigger, but a sure way too tell is when your male is old enough too croak, if he’s fairly old now try playing some music, mine will croak too music, I think the noise gets him going. Might not sound like the most professional way of doing it, but it works for me.

bulls eye ball
05-14-04, 11:53 AM
they're about 8 months old.do you know how old they have to be to croke?

05-14-04, 12:08 PM
Hmmm from what I know, they are sexually mature at one year I’ve heard as early as 9 months as well, I'm not sure, I know that males develop "nuptial pads", on there feet but these are hard too see. The easiest way of telling, if it is sexually mature it shouldn’t be hard too set him off calling, Females will squawk and make noises if something bothering them, but its nothing like a male's calling. There is a site online that has recordings of them calling I found it one day searching on google.com , maybe playing that will set off your male, my male is very easy too set off, I can mimic him and he'll start calling, but music always works even right now in the middle of the day I can turn on music and he starts calling. But you may have too waited a few months before this method will work for you, Good luck,

Edit: Do you have any pic's? (I'd like too see one with white spots) This is my male. http://ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/4038DSCF0028-med.JPG

bulls eye ball
05-14-04, 12:37 PM
hi heres two pic of them.

bulls eye ball
05-14-04, 12:38 PM
theres number two.see one is darker then the other.

05-14-04, 01:06 PM
The darkness will change; mine turns Dark brown like your dark one, normally when something is bothering it. Or if it’s stressed. it was brown allot of the time for about 2 months until I learnt all the little things that were bothering him. Yours look underweight, I can see ribs on one, and there "eye brows" are not bulging at all, I'd feed then lots, if they are anything like mine they wont refuse food.

bulls eye ball
05-14-04, 01:11 PM
ok thanks i played both songs if white's coaking and both didn't do anything lol i'll try again in 3 months.

05-14-04, 01:20 PM
Just by the pic’s you've posted I'd say they are too small and young too be croaking yet, let them get a bit older, fatten them up and get them used too there new environment, then try again. Those tapes of them croaking never work for me as well as just loud music. I'm assuming you know the basic care and everything for them, right?? What are you using as a substrate?? And enclosure?

bulls eye ball
05-14-04, 01:33 PM
lol they have live in there tank for 4 months now.they where a lot smller then that when i got them and i'm looking into getting two red eye tree frogs.

this is what i got so far

two white's tree frogs

two crimson corn snakes

one blood corn snake

one female beardie

six loe's

three cats

one rottie

05-14-04, 01:38 PM
Is that container you too the pic's in there cage ??

bulls eye ball
05-14-04, 01:48 PM
no this is where they live yes i know it's dark but i'm still learning how to use this camera lol.

05-14-04, 05:00 PM
from my experience with whites, the male was always darker. But then again tempature, lighting, humidity, stress can all have an effect on their color. The males are submissive to the females to.

Double J
05-16-04, 11:34 PM
Females are larger.. and meatier.
Females will also develop folds of skin above their eyes.

Color is not really indicative of sex. Aussie White's wil be more turqiouse, while the indonesian ones will have more of a maroon coloration.

Double J