View Full Version : Ventilation in new rubbermaid

05-12-04, 10:34 AM
Ok i've picked up a new rubbermaid for my bp. I believe its around 32X24X6 (WidthXDepthXheight).

Just wondering if there is any method to the madness of hole drilling for ventilation such as which sides should the holes be on, as well as should they be placed higher or lower on the side etc etc.....?

Also I'm open to ideas about properly securing the lid. It curently has 2 "clasps" on the ends, but the middle seems flimsy.

05-12-04, 10:55 AM
20 holes on the cool end SIDE. Top holes are not as good as side holes. I take the front end, get a really hot soldering iron, and poke about 20-24 holes in the front (the cool end).

05-12-04, 11:35 AM
Put a hole through the lid as well as the lip underneath, then run an S-hook through it. This works great and secures them quite nice.

05-12-04, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
20 holes on the cool end SIDE. Top holes are not as good as side holes. I take the front end, get a really hot soldering iron, and poke about 20-24 holes in the front (the cool end).

Thanks for the advice. One more question Jeff. You know bps, so I assume since your only putting holes in one side, cross ventilation is not so important?

05-12-04, 03:37 PM
I got a 34"L sterilite x 16"w I put 9 holes on the long sides, and 5 holes on the 16"w side. provides plenty of air, keeps temps and humidity up. I to and conserned about cross ventilation, So that is how I did it. But Jeff has been at it longer :)

05-12-04, 07:55 PM
How much cross ventilation do Ball Pythons get 5 feet underground in Africa?

05-12-04, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
How much cross ventilation do Ball Pythons get 5 feet underground in Africa?

True dat. :cool:

05-12-04, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
How much cross ventilation do Ball Pythons get 5 feet underground in Africa?

Even in an underground "cave" there is free airflow, which there isn't in a plastic container.

05-12-04, 10:36 PM
Why is there more "free airflow" in an undeground tunnel than a plastic container that is "holy" on one side, and doesn't fit exactly airtight ALL the way around the top?


05-12-04, 10:49 PM
Sorry, but if you can't see that, I don't think I can explain it to you.

05-12-04, 10:58 PM
I don't see it either?

If a container has holes all over one side, as well as being opened up at least 4+ times per week for most keepers, how is that not enough air flow??? It's way more than a hole is it not?


05-12-04, 11:54 PM
Sorry, but if you can't see that, I don't think I can explain it to you.

So you don't know either then? Ok.

05-13-04, 08:50 AM
if your worried about cross ventilation it probably won't hurt to put 3 or 4 holes on the other side or on the sides of the rubbermaid.

Remember that bp's have slow metabolisim, they don't breath like we do, they breath slower and need less air than we do.
I think, lol.

05-13-04, 08:57 PM
I find that those office type clips that you can get at Dollarama ,are great for securing the centre of the rubbermaid lid, one on either side. Grant

05-13-04, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
So you don't know either then? Ok.

Jeff, you arrogance is the reason I can't be bothered explaining.

05-13-04, 11:28 PM
You "not bothering" to explain your thoughts is 1000 times more arrogant than anything I've seen on this site or any other reptile site. Just because someone doesn't agree with you and asks for you to explain your view, does not make them arrogant. LOL!

Saying " well if you can't figure it out, I'm not telling you, na na na na", now THAT is arrogant.

Too funny for me to "explain" to you.

05-14-04, 11:03 AM
I agree. This is ridiculous. Auskan he simply asked you how a hole has more ventilation than a rubbermaid with holes all over one side as well as it being opened up each week a couple times. That's ALL.

You are an asset to this forum but Jeff is right here. The whole "I'm not telling you" is just silly. If you don't know, fine. If you do know then share it.

Either way at this point, I normally punch holes on the cool side, from top to bottom....all over....and obviously my cages get opened up like three times a week, all my BP's seem to be doing fine ventilation wise. When I don't have enough holes, its easy to see. Mold, nasty smell, etc.


05-14-04, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by marisa
When I don't have enough holes, its easy to see. Mold, nasty smell, etc.

This is good to know. I was wondering how I could tell. :)

05-14-04, 06:12 PM
Ha ha Daver, don't let it get THAT far! Ha ha, j/k. 20 holes is enough. If you find that you need more make a few more. But its a LOT easier to make more holes and it is to plug up the holes when you've made too many. LOL!

Best of luck! :D

05-14-04, 06:40 PM
You guys are too much! I just love this site...Too many holes is a bad thing. Like Jeff said "How much air flow is there underground", more that enough for a BP, other wise they would not be there.

Dave good luck with you Bp and keep us posted how it goes.

05-15-04, 02:53 PM
"If you don't understand, I'm not going to explain it to you"??

THAT'S arrogance.

06-03-04, 10:52 AM
Well this set-up seems to be working out fine. Heat pad was a little hot to start, but after some tweaking, it is around 95. I actually put the probe right under the hide so I can really accuratly measure the temp that the snake is actually feeling. Such a huge difference in temp with the snake's weight on the probe.