View Full Version : Shed

05-12-04, 02:00 AM
hi all well my baby is eating well and is starting to shed well the eyes are now blue but how long is it gonna b b4 she lets go of the old so i can get some nice pics of the new lol and i want to mesure the skin so i know how long she is but as im new im excited lol ( i know im sad ) but any 1 got a ruff idea

P.S. i know my spelling is realy bad soz

05-12-04, 04:43 AM
It will take roughly a week from start to finish for her to shed. As for measuring the shed, this DOES NOT WORK, as the snake sheds the skin stretches. So a four foot snakr could have a six foot shed.

05-12-04, 05:39 AM
ah thanks 4 clearing that up for me and i didnt know that the skin stretched ah well any 1 know of another way to get an idea on how big they are mines allwase curled