View Full Version : runt of the litter
Betty Miskie
05-11-04, 07:30 PM
We have a crestie that we purchased from a breeder who has very healthy cresties. We purchased multiples in January and the one I am talking about was 2 weeks old at the time. Since then, the others have been gaining fantastic except the little one. She is now 4 1/2 months old and is gaining 1/2 gram per month and is now 3 1/2 grams to 4 grams. Her clutchmate is weighing in at 12 grams. We feed her daily (gargoyle gecko and baby fruit) and she has yet to eat crickets. I hand feed her (we do all our cresties) and she seems to only take about 6 licks and then refuse to eat anymore.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do to see a weight gain? She is housed separately and doesn't seemed stressed when being handled.
05-11-04, 08:46 PM
If she's that tiny and takes 6 licks of baby food that would probably fill her stomach. Are you giving her enough calcium? Try using a uvb for extra vitamins. Feed her crickets half the size of her head. Hand feeding is a bad habit I only do it ocassionally. does it have high enough humidty and proper temperatures? Even your 12 gram crested gecko seems tiny for the age.
05-12-04, 02:19 AM
It sounds like the gecko is a shy eater. My advice would be to stop the hand feeding and put the gecko in it's own enclosure that's not too big. I would put it in a small or medium (at the largest) Kritter Keeper.
little dragon,
You have to be careful not to overdo the UVB lighting if you're using a calcium supplement...that can be worse than not enough calcium at all. Also, UVB does not equate to extra vitamins, but merely the synthesis of D3. You really should be careful when it comes to all of this.
At 4.5 months old, 12 grams is certainly in the normal range, and judging by that, I would rule out temperatures and humidity being the culprit.
Betty Miskie
05-12-04, 08:21 AM
Thanks for the replies. I guess what I was trying to see is , has anyone had a little runt that just doesn't grow very much? Anthony, how would you suggest that I feed the little one without hand feeding? Do you make the food real runny so that it will not gel up? Should I put two separate dishes in (one with gargoyle food and one with fruit?) I really am trying to get this little one a good start. Do you think it could be genetic? Heart problem?
Thanks again,
p.s. She is in a medium critter keeper.
05-12-04, 12:53 PM
When I feed my crested geckos, I just put the baby food in a dish and leave it there over night, in the morn throw out what's left. As for the 2 dishs I think yes you should use 2 or else just use like babyfood for 2 nights the switch for 2 nights. See what one it likes better.
05-12-04, 04:34 PM
Try offering crickets 4 times a week alternating other nights with baby food and diet. Most people say crested gecko's raised on crickets as a main source will grow faster.
05-12-04, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Betty Miskie
Anthony, how would you suggest that I feed the little one without hand feeding? Do you make the food real runny so that it will not gel up? Should I put two separate dishes in (one with gargoyle food and one with fruit?) I really am trying to get this little one a good start. Do you think it could be genetic? Heart problem?
Just put the food in a dish and leave it there. The gecko will easily find the food, but you may not know that it's eaten any, because at that size, the gecko's stomach is smaller than a pea.
If you're trying to give it solid fruit, don't. There's no way for them to bite off a piece. I mix my Gargoyle Diet with Gerber Mixed Fruit Yogurt baby food...all in one bowl.
No, I don't think it's genetic and I don't think it's a heart problem. It could have been a runt, but chances are, it's just shy and nervous due to all the hand feeding or other factors.
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