View Full Version : mixing species

05-11-04, 07:24 PM
i have seen in many different places different species of aquatic turtles housed together.
i was going to one day have my red belly live with 2 red ear sliders.
right now i have the red belly (6 inches long) and a tiny red ear slider so they will not be housed together for a long time.
the other red ear slider is at my moms and she has it in a very small tank compared to its size.
i wanted to get the turtle from her and put it with my red belly in a large tank together (i'm not sure what gallon it is but its really big)
i havn't seen in yet but she tried to show me about how big it was, about 4 inches probably, is this too small to house with my 6 inch turtle?
i was thinking about going ahead and trying it and if they started to fight i would seperate them.
any one have any suggestions about what i should do if i house them together?

05-11-04, 08:56 PM
It should be okay. Just make it a big tank (like you said) have a large basking spot and a lot of water. Red ears are normally social turtles when it comes to basking and they should't start a fight underwater. I have a red ear that is about 9 inches caged with another turtle that is about 7 inches and they get along perfect.

05-12-04, 06:41 PM
I would be careful... it all depends on the individual turtles. I have two RES, a 6" female and 4" male housed with my 6" female FRB cooter. The male RES and the female cooter were harassed by the female RES. I had to seperate the female RES. I have had other turtles as well and it all depends on the indivuals' personalities. Some get along and some just don't. It's a hit or miss sort of thing. Tank size helps, but in a captive environment, it's always too small.:)

Good luck.


05-12-04, 06:56 PM
thanks you guys. this is my plan of action...
keep my red belly in his tank and put the new RES right next to him but in a seperate tank so they can check each other out for a while.
during this time i want to make a canopy for the tank they will be going in.
once that is done i will put them in the new big tank and see what happens. i really hope they get along to take up less tank space =)