View Full Version : Need suggestions for a 10G
Hey, I currently have a young corn snake in a 10 gallon tank, but once he's moved out and into a bigger living area, I'd like something to occupy the vacated tank. I was thinking some kind of lizard... can anyone here suggest a breed small enough that would be comfortable in such a small enclosure, even as an adult?
Viper geckos :) I'm just biased.... but they fit a 10gl nicely.
I've also done some research on Stenodactulus Petri (sp?) and they seem very cool
pictus are cool also.
a single leopard gecko would do as well, a little tight when it gets old but would work.
05-11-04, 09:37 PM
Green or Brown anoles. theyre in expensive and SUPER easy to care for
some people say a leo will survive in a 10 g there whole life, i personally think a 20 g is better when they get older but that's just my opinion
05-12-04, 07:36 AM
pictus geckos
05-14-04, 10:58 AM
I would also agree with bidden. viper geckos. They are small and cool.
05-14-04, 01:48 PM
yeah, pictus and viper geckos are probabaly your best bet
Thanks for all the replies :) I'm liking the idea of a pictus or a viper gecko, I'll be checking out the local stores to see if they stock them. How well do they generally respond to handling?
05-14-04, 11:16 PM
I am not sure about handling pictus but i can handle my viper pretty good. I would not reccomend handing anything though
05-15-04, 12:46 PM
some sort of chameleon will do in 10 gallons... like brokesia
but it's better not to handel it...
How about coleonyx mitratus? They look similar to leopard geckos but only half the size! They are easy to keep and breed. This species has so much undiscovered potential in terms of colour and pattern morphs and would do well in a 10 gallon tank. the common name is sometimes "central american banded gecko". There are other coleonyx species aswell but this is the more common one. Oh, and they aren't expensive.
05-19-04, 09:46 AM
Viper geckos. They can be handled and get used to it after a little while (much like leos do).
05-19-04, 06:47 PM
I have to agree with snakehunter on this one! green or brown anoles they can live in there permanently and don't get big at all I sell alot of 10 gals in the store i also tell the customers it's a waste of money and in no time they will be buying bigger and have a 10 gal doing nothing some listen and buy the bigger some don't and are back in no time spending money again on a 20-55 gal.... Never sold a 10 gal with anoles and had a customer come back for a bigger tank!!! the geckos are all fine and dandy but when you put more then a couple with an undetermined sexing you may just happen to have a turf war! 10's to small with the anoles you can put 3-4 in one aquarium and never have to go bigger and they sell for about 5-10 dollars and are not that exspensive to feed and not alot of trouble to maintain...
05-19-04, 07:02 PM
How about some helmets, you could start a breeding colony in a 10 gal
05-19-04, 07:03 PM
Hey Rubix you must be a big Radiohead fan, where did you get the killer bear Avatar?
05-20-04, 10:57 AM
I dont think Anoles are good choices...they need to be fed a TON daily.
Go with a Viper, Pictus, or Leopard Gecko
05-20-04, 02:31 PM
I like the idea of a helmeted gecko, that was what i was going to say until someone took it :p Their amazing geckos, i dont own any myself but the place near me, reptilia, has 2 and their just great looking geckos...a 10 gal to them would be like a 50 gal to a leopard...imo a leopard isnt a great choice..10 gal is a little small..i dont think 20 is the minimum, 15 g is a perfect size..10 is ok for juvi's
Painted Desert
05-22-04, 10:44 AM
I have a pair of anoles in a 20g long. And i feel badly for my research indicated each anole occupies a "space" of 3 cubic meters in the "wild". Sure enough... they hold their distance from one another. *sigh* My husband thought he was doing me a favor with "free" geckos from FLA. Someday, i'm going to locate a forum member in FLA, and mail them back.
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