View Full Version : Need a python person

05-11-04, 01:20 PM
I rescued what I believe to be a python, he's 56inches about 4-5" round he was very neglected and abused> I took him from my girlfriends son. Kept the cage filthy, no water, freezing cold, feces, old shedded skins piled high, and he breathes funny I think he is sick. There was a ton of s*** on top of the tank, he was buried so deep took me an hour almost to get all the stuff off just to get to him. I have him in a clean tank with lizard gravel, a big bowl of water and he has a lighting system, HE IS WARM and loving it. Now, the kid wants the snake back and I know the snake will die if I give it back, the kid can't take care of himself, and this is one of 2 snakes needed to be rescued. PLEASE HELP!!

05-11-04, 01:29 PM
Dont give the snake back to the person. Id go to a pet shop and get them to ID the snake and find out how to perfectly care for it to make sure you have all the temps right. If the snake was abused that badly dont even think about giving it back and id try to get the other one rescued too. Most likely the snake has some serious health problems and needs to go to a vet.

05-11-04, 01:40 PM
I wouldn't give it back either. Other things I would do is get it off the gravel and onto paper towel. It will make things easier to keep clean and if he is in as bad shape as you make it sound then thngs need to be keep clean. If he is breathing funny he could have a respiratory infection. If the infection isn't too serious then just raiseing the heat should hopefully clear it up, otherwise it's going to need a trip to the vet.

If you could take a picture of the snake I'm sure someone would be able to identify it. You need to know what type of snake it is so you can set the temps in the right area. Too hot could be just as bad as too cold for certian types of snakes.

Big Mike
05-11-04, 01:40 PM
Did you "take" him or did they ask you to help him? They obviously don't care enough about him to care for him properly so it's probably best if you keep him...if you can.

Do you know what kind of python it is? Are you sure it's a python and not a boa?

It sounds like he has a respiratory infection...keep the temp up around 90.

What is lizard gravel? I'd suggest you keep him on news paper and change it often to keep him as sanitary as possible.

At the very least, teach the kid how to properly take care of the snake before you have to give it back.

05-11-04, 01:51 PM
If I were you, I would call the humane society or SPCA in your area, and have them deal with the matter. But no, don't give the snake back.

05-11-04, 01:52 PM
Tell him that it died, shock from being in such a poor place and then moved to a more sterile environment was too stressfull, and killed him. Or say he died from a respritory infection. Just lie to the little @#$%. He probably wont care anyways.

05-11-04, 04:12 PM
Give the kid the same treatment...

I`m joking, but that would rule.

05-11-04, 09:01 PM
poor thing do not give it back take it to a vet quick.

05-17-04, 04:22 PM
You are doing the right thing.... keep the snake.. the snake needs someone like yourself to care for it...

Keep up the good work..

05-17-04, 06:07 PM
I have rescued a couple of snakes myself. Keep the snake or post it here. Someone will want to care for it if you choose not to. Otherwise, enjoy your new pet!

05-17-04, 06:30 PM
I think personally you should keep it for the time being, at least untill it is healthy, if the kid wants it back then help the kid learn what has to be done, help him set it up properly and just keep an eye on him......good luck buddy!

05-17-04, 06:42 PM
i agree with every one, do not give it back. then i would get it to the vet and let the vet check it out and they could probably tell you what it is or you can look through the gallery on this website and try to find a snake that looks like it. after you find out what it is and know you want to keep it read lots of care sheets so you will have the temps and every thing correct.
i'm sure the snake is so happy and will live much longer now that its in a better place, good luck