View Full Version : Collection pics #2: The future breeders

09-22-02, 08:18 AM
Not quite youngins, not quite breeders. Just in between.

<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/red.jpg">
Blood red male
<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/blood.jpg">
ventral shot a day after I bought it
<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/hypohand.jpg">
hypo female (okeetee line, believe it or not)
<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/frostysnow.jpg">
frosted snow male
<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/hetstripe.jpg">
Miami male het. stripe
Also included is a Candycane male, but I have to go snap a pic in a minute and upload it.

09-22-02, 08:22 AM
hey vic did you post the pictures of the tanks for sale yet.


09-22-02, 08:48 AM
I'm sizing them down in photoshop as I write this.

09-22-02, 12:36 PM
Oh nice!
I love that bloodred that you have.
I also have a bloodred but then it's not as dark as yours.....
other than the bloodred, I have a pair of amel bloodred and pewters too....maybe thinking of getting an anery bloodred later on...