View Full Version : #1 fear
just a little add I read, maybe some of you can add your #1 fears here!
05-10-04, 10:53 AM
Well as much as it shames me to admit, I am uncomfortable about thunderstorms. It's weird though, cause I love to watch them out the window, and I love seeing a good bolt of lightining, but it's just something about me being alone while there is a big thunderstorm. I'm just a big baby I guess. :D
My biggest fear.....Well I guess I would have to say that I have 2. I'm petrified of spiders and of rabbits. Ever since I watched a movie of Watership Downs, I can not be near them.
Ok here is mine, it wasnt mentioned in the list, but.............yeah well, its weird
Swans, i absolutely fear the freakin birds. Sure they are nice to see, but when i have to go past one on my bike, i go round in a big circle. If i cant do that, i turn around and find another route. Dont know why, but they just freak me out.
Ok, now you can all call me weird and stuff :p
At least im not part of the 22 percent of the men who are afraid of snakes :D
Greetz Daan
05-10-04, 12:59 PM
I don't like a lot of birds, but I am kinda scared of parrots, not the little ones, the HUGE parrots, well they seem huge to me anyway :(
I also try to avoid even numbers, I'm not scared of them, I just really don't like them :eek:
add me to the list with fear of Heights.. Can't handle them. :/
05-10-04, 01:10 PM
My #1 fear is bees and wasps. I'm not allergic to them, I'm just terrified. The little stinging critters were out in full force today on my mail route, and there were several people that didn't receive mail because I opened up their mailbox to find 4 or 5 yellow jackets in there. I hope nobody was watching me flail about and screech as they came flying out!
One box had 5 yellow jackets in there, and outgoing mail. Since it was a turnaround, I backed into the driveway and walked to the door to hand the gentleman his mail. He just laughed and walked to the box, opened it, grabbed the outgoing mail, shook it off a bit and handed it to me. How embarassing. The 70 something year old farmer had no fear, and the whole time I was cowering in my truck with all the windows closed.
Feel free to laugh at me now.
05-10-04, 01:26 PM
fateamber: lol, thats funny. Because I HATE odd numbers. Can't stand it. I have 5 snakes right now, and am going absolutely crazy because it's an odd number. Same because we only have one cat and 3 dogs. It just drives me crazy if I think about it! lol
I would have to say my BIGGEST fear is the dark. Not really the actual dark itself, but what MAY BE in the dark cornor of the room.
Heights and most insects, lol. But I would still rather be on a clif with beetles climbing all over me than to face what "may be" in that dark cornor. It doesn't help that I fully believe my house is haunted and I often see black/brown/or white streaks in the cornor of my vision, yet turn to look and there is nothing there.
05-10-04, 01:40 PM
I forgot the name of the movie, but after watching it i have a huge fear of cockroaches.
It's the movie where this guy ( i think) was trapped in a room with a CRAP load of them and they were crawling all in and out of his body (it's been YEARS since i seen it). After that i get freaked out when i see them and yell like the little girl i used to be. I don't like the thought of bugs crawling all through my body alive or dead!!!
I also CAN NOT drive in snow at all!!! when i was 17 i hit an ice patch i had the choice to hit the oncoming car or go into a 10 foot ditch, i chose the ditch and got stuck between 2 trees, it was a very close one. Luckly i wasn't hurt, but i still freak (crying and keeping eyes closed if i'm the passenger) REALLY bad when i have to drive in it now(whether i'm driving or the passenger). My boyfriend thinks it's funny but i seriously hate it.
05-10-04, 01:44 PM
My mother in law ;-)
hahaha joke.
I guess my biggest fear is deep dark waters.
I have a big fear of wasps, I will do just about anything to get away from them! Honey bees don't bother me, the only time I have been stung by a bee was when I have stepped on one, but those wasps will chase you down! LOL!
Leanne, those yellow jackets in the mail box could have been wood bees. They look very similar, but only the female can sting and most of the time she is in the nest. That would explain why the old farmer wasn't afraid of them ;) About the only difference is yellow jackets have fuzzy butts and the wood bees have shiny butts, do you remember what their butts looked like? :D LOL!
05-10-04, 02:05 PM
ohhhh I forgot that one. I CAN'T swim out to where I can't touch the bottom of the lake/pond/ocean. If I can't see below me,or I can't see my feet, I freak out.
fateamber: lol, thats funny. Because I HATE odd numbers. Can't stand it. I have 5 snakes right now, and am going absolutely crazy because it's an odd number. Same because we only have one cat and 3 dogs. It just drives me crazy if I think about it! lol Well, you have a total of 8 animals! An even number :P
I'm not sure what my biggest fear is. It used to be fire (when I was young the building next to ours burned down). Now it's probably the old and mentally ill. They make me very uncomfortable, probably because I dislike the idea of becoming one.
I would have to say not being able to see/know where I'm going. Must be a control thing cause I can't handle being imobilized either. I can't swim on my back because I can't see what I'm in and where I'm going, driving in bad snow/rain storms where you can't see. DH thought it was funny, I was curled up on the couch under a blanket and he came and sat on the edges so I couldn't even move under the blanket, I freaked, he never did that again!
I really really hate spiders. I think a lot of them are beautiful, but I don't like the thought of them anywhere near me.
A real big fear, I still have is the dark. Yes, I never lost that childhood fear. I can't stand the dark indoors, outside's not bad, but dark rooms, basements and ESPECIALLY washrooms. I won't look at a mirror if there's no light. >shudder<
I also can not swim in anything that has fish in it. I was bit a couple of summers ago by a Pike. Tried to snorkel by the shore in Mexico and I totally freaked when I saw a fish! Now you can all make fun of me. I'm scared of rabbits and fish!
needles, i believe that i have a needle phobia. i can't see them or hear about them, sometimes i freak out so bad from just hearing about them i almost pass out. if they want to give me one at the doctors i start hyperventelating (sp) and crying my eyes out cause i'm freaking out so bad, can't even feel it though, its weird.
i'm also very scared of really fast wind, dark corners, shower curtains (cause i dont know whats behind them), fast tractor trailors and riding with my dad because cause he thinks hes in nascar.
05-10-04, 05:10 PM
my fears are heights,fast moving water ( the idea of drowning doesn't sit well with me),being electricuted ( it sucks when your dad turns off the wrong curcuit breaker) and spiders,no problem playing with a 20 foot python but put a spider on me and i am outta there.
Fox Hound
05-10-04, 06:26 PM
i'm afraid of pitch black darkness, and being alone somwhere dark, and the unknown, ie ghosts
05-10-04, 07:51 PM
actually I said 5 snakes, 1 cat, 3 dogs, thats 9 animals. Plus we have a pet rabbit, and 3 pet rats. so that makes it 13, which is about the only odd number I like. lol :)
05-10-04, 08:05 PM
ive got a BIG *** fear of water...many bad experiences made that one...and im also affriad of getting better at overcomming it but i still get worried :)
I used to be affraid of spiders, but slowely after getting into this hobby and handling crickets and all that crap, im not scared of a lot of bugs now..just big *** spiders like the ones people keep..turantulas and things like that but little bugs im fine with.
05-10-04, 08:28 PM
Jamie, good thing you didn't live in canada otherwise you wouldn't be driving for a good long portion of the year.
I dont know if its a fear but I can't stand the sound or feel of styrofoam. Its ridiculous, I dont know where it came from. I think I would go clinically insane if I were forced to listen to two pieces of styrofoam being rubbed together.
Other than that claustrophobia(sp?) is probably my biggest fear
05-10-04, 08:44 PM
Let's see... spiders (one of the few things I actually have nightmares about... lol). Pitch black darkness -- if I can see anything at all, I'm fine... but if I can't even see my hand in front of my face, I freak. And... ladders. LOL. I'm ok with heights, but climbing up ladders (well, tall ladders) freaks me out.
05-10-04, 08:56 PM
Airplane washrooms...UGH!!
I mean, I can still use them and everything -- I think it's the flush part! (That and the tiny space, as I do have a bit of claustrophobia...) But seriously, before I hit that flusher, I have to make sure that the door is open so I can bolt!
Yes, I know it's ridiculous...but it doesn't stop me from flying, so I'm not too concerned!!
05-10-04, 09:17 PM
well, lots of people say that they are afraid of heights.. me, i'm not afraid of heights, i'm afraid of FALLING from them!
05-10-04, 10:30 PM
I have this nagging fear about being impaled by a stick in the middle of nowhere during a mountian bike wipe out. I have a 4" scar/stretch mark where I caught a stick in the chest a few years ago.
Maybe Ive just seen too many war movies with sucking chest woonds
05-10-04, 10:55 PM
Im afraid of being near fast moving trains! LOL. Yes, you can laugh at me all you want, but, sometimes, when I think about how much my life sucks(I get depressed often) I will start daydreaming alot, then after awhile all my daydreams start turning into trains comming at me at like 1000KM/H and then right before they hit me I shudder and they're gone, then 20 seconds later it happens again. I hate it. Im also afraid trains are going to derail on turns and stuff. I have still riden on trains and things like that and when I get to drive going far away places, I race trains(like on an 80 rode i will go 90 to pass the thing!) but those are straight and I make sure there is no one else for a couple Km's. So it just depends. Im also, somewhat like derrick, afraid of falling off my 8-15ft above ground suspended mountain biking/unicycling track. Yes I unicycle, you can all laugh at me but im pro! How many of you can ride off a 4 foot drop on your bikes? Ok some of you, now try riding a unicycle. Mine is a trials unicycle so its got a bigger tire than a mountain bike though. I can also ride on a chain of picnic tables and then jump a 2-3 foot gap. I can hop around and do a 180 and 270(haha what a loser, hey im still working on my 360)! I've got about 10 acres of tracks and stuff. Its fun! It cost money to build though! LOL. So anyways, I dont want to fall off some of the boardwalks I build at my acreage because there are so many trees and I dont want to lose my important reproductory organs or break my back! LOL.
05-10-04, 11:01 PM
Bee's I am terrified of them mind you I am alergic so bee's = death for me, Fire is another for me, not fire itself just dying in it.... I watched a show one time about how you die in a fire bones breaking from the heat and stuff.
ah well :)
Well, i mentioned heights, but i guess i'll mention my 'animal' fears..
Bears: no idea why, i have never seen one in the wild, but if i ever did, i dunno what i would do..
Sharks: Again, never had an altercation with one, but being out on the ocean, all i can think about is scenes from Jaws and Wildboyz (the one with the Great Whites attacking the seals)..
05-11-04, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by ChokeOnSmoke
Jamie, good thing you didn't live in canada otherwise you wouldn't be driving for a good long portion of the year.
I want to move to arizona so i dont' have to deal with snow at all!!!! I could go the rest of my life without ever seeing snow again. I do love when it snows, i just freak thinking about driving in it.
05-11-04, 09:40 AM
For me it's heights. But I'm not phobic, I just suffer from severe vertigo.
I have no problem climbing over balcony railings, dangling from ropes high above the ground, but if I stand at the edge of a 10 foot drop without my hand touching something I lose all sense of balance. Same thing happens with stepladders.
I have no idea why. I used to jump off the roof of a garage onto a mattress when I was a kid, do flips off into the snow, and jump off the lip of a quarry into the water below. But I can't just stand on the edge.
beth wallbank
05-11-04, 09:44 AM
Balloons, only because blowing one up a few years back, it popped in my face and cut the cornea of my eye. Now whenever one is near me I get panicy.
The dark, not of it specifically, but what goes bump in it, sea cucumbers (they are sooooooo nasty feeling), leaches, and deep dark water.
I am with Beth on the deep dark water, I love nice clear water but put me in anything merky or very dark and the imagination runs wild. I think that is about it for me but my girlfriend has this intense fear of dolls and puppets, she hates that commercial for puppets who kill...everytime it comes on she freaks. Also she has a phobia of clowns, wanted to take her to the circus but that would have been a disaster, figured that out after we tried to watch IT (steven king).
05-11-04, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Cruciform
but if I stand at the edge of a 10 foot drop without my hand touching something I lose all sense of balance. Same thing happens with stepladders.
I have the same problem with my balance, both my parents have it, probably genetic (yay :p ). Always happens when I'm standing up on something to change a lightbulb, etc., just looking up in general while not planted on the ground (escalators, treadmills.. ;) ) I also don't have the best balance if I can't see around me, such as when I'm walking to get somewhere in a very dark room.
I hate arachnids. Tarantulas in particular give me the creeps. I remember being in the woods with the dog, about go through two trees, when I stopped running to have a look to make sure there was no spiderweb between them.. just in case. Well there was. Fat spider right in the middle :eek: Was I glad I checked! Even feeling a cobweb on my hand makes me jump (happened yesterday actually).
Another thing that creeps me out is being in a dark basement at night, alone. I always feel like there's something behind me.
I think I need to see a shrink now..
05-11-04, 06:49 PM
I'm not really afraid of it, but more of it REALLY creeps me out, when I am completely alone (like in the bathroom, or something, no animals, no dogs following me no person around) and I feel like I'm being watched, from absolutely every where, and mirrors creep me out to, especially old antique mirrors.
05-11-04, 06:53 PM
Im also afraid of breaking a mirror! Not the 7 years of bad luck, but the reason for which I(or someone else, a spirit?) broke the mirror. LOL.
05-11-04, 07:59 PM
Hmmm.... Well I used to totally freak out over this little green action figure that my brother used to have. I would literally run screaming into my room and shudder and cry for hours. It was so strange. My mom would hide it in the back of the art cupboard so I wouldn't go scrounging around in there, and when I reached in and touched it once accidentally I almost died of fright... :(
Then someone told me about these two inch long silverfish (those little buggy things) that came out of their drain when they were having a bath and I started freaking out when I saw little silverfish running around in our house in spring. And i'm a total insectaholic, but those things freaked me out.
Thirdly, that fricking bunny rabbit Youkai keeps putting on her avatar! That guy from Donny Darko. I totally have to see that movie! Love being scared by movies. :D
Buuutt... in that order, I decided that I was only scared of it all because it was unknown to me, so I decided to get over it. Found the green guy one day in a drawer and even though it was really hard, I made myself look at it and then eventually pick it up. There goes that fear. Same with the silverfish, realised they were just bugs and now whenever I see them they're instantly toad-food. The youkai-bunny still freaks me out, but not as bad. At least, until I see the movie. ;)
Soo, not really scared of anything now. I'm wary of things, for sure, but not really scared. Don't like reaching into hot ovens, suspension bridges, and high places with only railing to hold you up there, but its not TOO too bad....
Not squeamish either, exept when people crack joints really loudly. I mean, that's just not healthy! But I can eat anytime no matter what i'm doing, and not much grosses me out. Which is good, because you can multitask cutting a pinky while eating a burger at the same time!
05-11-04, 10:22 PM
I think I remember reading somewhere that the fear of speaking in public was higher on the "list" than the fear of dying.
What about the fear of being "herp-less"? Or finding that special snake at a show-- but NO WALLET?
05-11-04, 10:42 PM
Crimsonking: Those last two DEFINETLY scare me! I would die without a herp! And if i found that special snake at a show and had now wallet, I would smack myself and cry(no not really!) but i guess its more of a worry.
Wasps, bees, hornets, spiders, heights, flying, and confined spaces.
I hate not being able to move freely the most, being pinned down etc. Being on the bottom of a "Pile on" when I used to play football was my biggest fear. Kind of a weird one I guess.
05-12-04, 05:02 PM
Spiders, beetles, superworms, bloodworms, death, heights, crowds, enclosed spaces, and deep water.
05-12-04, 05:17 PM
Tammy: Once you see Donny Darko, the fear of the bunny will totally go away. Just make sure you watch it to completion or it might just ge worse :) Great movie. I watched it again a couple of weeks ago.
wow....there are some issues here!lol.....btw...slithering serpents isn't that scary if you know him...;)
Clowns....dont like them (and not because of can you be afraid of an actor that was also "a sweet transvestite")
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