View Full Version : If money was NOT an issue....

09-21-02, 10:41 PM
Maybe for some of us, money is not an issue when deciding to add to our collection. But for most of us it is. So what if you could have the collection of your dreams? What would you get?

09-21-02, 11:11 PM
1st i need a house rather than a 1 bdrm apt
it's easier for me to say what i wouldn't get
i would love to get a caiman if space and $ was no issue

09-22-02, 12:39 AM
hehe my husband is already considering commiting me hehehe

09-22-02, 07:25 AM
Hehehe... I'm sure you all know what I voted ;)

Scotty Allen
09-22-02, 09:40 AM
I'm pretty much set with what I have right now but in a perfect world.......... Two properties, one in the mountains of Arizona where I could surround myself with rattlesnakes and the other would be to buy the St. Augustine Alligator Farm, get rid of everything but the crocodilians and thin out the huge groups of alligators. Trouble is I would'nt be able to be in both places at the same time.

09-22-02, 11:40 AM
I am already thinking of what i would get if money was not an issue......

09-22-02, 12:05 PM
Id get plenty of GTP, ETB, dwarf reticulated pythons, IRian Jayas, Jungles carpets, more ATB, plenty of BRBs,
I would get some Boas, some albinos and others Anery.. and definitly a Snow Boa FOR SURE !!.. If i cant buy one I would make it... :D
Other White lipped pythons, and I would do ANYTHING for a pair of Morelia Carinata.

I think its all... for now...

09-22-02, 04:05 PM
I would at least double my boas and pythons then add a few smaller species just for variety. Of course with the money, I would be able to set up large facilities for breeding so I guess at that point my family would have me committed.

Ryan and Katie
09-22-02, 04:13 PM
Realistically, we would probably get another pair of Womas, another Dumerils and another Irian Jaya. But if we wanted to go crazy I want my three B's : Blackheads, Boelens and Bredls.

09-22-02, 06:48 PM
Hoo boy...

Lessee... start out with a couple more Boas.. one male Columbian and a 1.1 pair of Surinams... 1.1 of ETB's..., 1.1 of Green Tree Pythons, 1.1 Dumeril's, 1.1 Brazilian Rainbows... 1.1 Eastern Indigos, an Albino, Jungle, and Clown Ball Pythons... hmm... a 30x40 climate controlled building complete with walled off mousicle factories... hmmm... Don't get me started!!! {G}

Yeah well... we can all dream eh?


09-22-02, 08:14 PM
Ok Gotta add a at least a pair of tiger retics :D

09-22-02, 10:57 PM
i would honestly get a female snow corn and 1.1 calabar pythons, 1.1 gtp's and 1.1 rosy boas

09-23-02, 05:16 PM
i'm sure we could all add a few more if money was no object

09-24-02, 11:38 PM
heck with money being an issue our collection will double

right now we have 0.1 burmese python, 0.1 guyana red tail boa, 1.1 columbian red tail boas, 1.1 ball python, 1.2 corns and 1.0 prarie king, (as seen at http://snakes.lexxdog.com)

on my immediate wanted list i have Brazilian Rainbow Boas, a Male Guyan redtail, a female albino prairie king, viper boas, carpet pythons, green tree pythons (or emerald tree boas), and black mexican kings.

if money was no object we'd have both gtp and etb, reticulateds, anacondas, galapogos island turtles, monitors, iguanas, bearded dragons, geckos, a regular reptile zoo.

09-25-02, 04:40 PM
I need to make more money. I need more snakes.

09-26-02, 08:54 AM
Another "room" (more like a large garage...) going outside of my bedroom, I'd probably get huge colonies of different geckos going, but, a green ig would be nice, if money was no prob... also, I want some tarantulas, scorps, nice (and exotic) mantids, and maybe HUGE colonies of hissers, different phasmids, black african milli's, and, of course, who wouldn't want a lemur?
haha... the fun...
And then a nice breeding pair of beardeds, and a columbian rad tail boa, and then open it up as a zoo, to make money to feed these things...
Oh well, I won't be making THAT kind of money anytime soon...

10-05-02, 03:42 PM
My dream snake is an albino ball, I'd have quite a few more snakes too and make a nice snake room :) Also on my wish list: Jungle carpet, blood, rosy boa, hognose and a few more milks and corns!


10-15-02, 08:23 PM
if money were not an issue, i would definatly have 1.1 albino T+ REticulated Pythons, a calico retic for sure, 1.1 super tigers. 1.1 ETB, 1.1 eastern indigo's, definatly 1.2 mandarin rat snakes, plus lots and lots more, if were purely ******** too, i would want a green bush viper and a gaboon, but i haven't done enough chemicals yet for that

10-18-02, 04:20 PM
Hehe where to start? First get an apartment building, then fill every room with snakes of all kinds - burms, calabars, rosies, tree boas, soloman island boas, irian jayas, balls, a green anaconda for variety... and most certainly the snake I've wanted for months now - a san louis potosi king :). Commital? Without a doubt! :D

10-28-02, 06:49 PM
Man, I was just waiting for a poll like this. :D Let's see here... I'd probably get:

1.1 Coastal Carpet Pythons (probably with at least one of them striped)
1.1 Emerald Tree Boas or Green Tree Pythons
1.1 Uroplatus henkeli
1.1 Carrot-tailed Viper Geckos
0.1 Patternles Leo
0.1 Jungle Leo
0.1 Albino Leo
0.1 Blizzard
0.1 Super Hypo Tangerine Leo
0.1 Amelanistic Fat-tail
0.1 Peach Fat-tail
1.1 Red-tailed Boas (I'm not sure of the locale but one of those really pretty ones)
1.2 Amazon Tree Boas (one interesting garden phase, one of those BEAUTIFUL red/black ones that Darren Hammill produced, and probably a yellow)
0.1 Green Iguana
1.1 Black Rougneck Monitors
1.2 Red Ackies
?.? ALL of those incredibly beautiful cresteds that were in the 2003 Edition of REPTILES (tan pinstripe, blue pinstripe, orange pinstripe, darkfire, and more).
1.1 Blue-Tongued Skinks
1.1 Mali Uromastyx
1.1 Giant Day Geckos
1.1 Tokay Geckos
1.1 Rhacodactylus Leachianus
1.1 Gargoyle Geckos
1.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons
1.1 Solomon Island Ground Boas

I'm sure I'm forgetting some, or there's some that I don't know of yet :D but thats it for now...

11-13-02, 08:37 AM
No only is money an issue but space and time are as well. Between my herps and my dog and my job and my boyfriend, I don't think I'd have the time to care for more than one or two more animals. When I have more money and a bigger place, then I'll have some kids to help with the animal chores, then perhaps I will expand my collection.

12-05-02, 07:59 PM
hrmmmmm.....if money where no object.....lemme see...

1.1 Bolivian Silverbacks
1.1 Guyana Red Tails
1.2 Amazon Tree Boas
1.1 Dumerils

...and a whole bunch of tarantulas



12-05-02, 08:27 PM
I will buy the largest cage at VPI and move into it... lol.

12-05-02, 08:56 PM
yeah money would really help to buy more reptiles!! i wish i could have more...all i got is 3 snakes.

12-29-02, 07:01 PM
man that would be the greatest thing in the world

12-30-02, 02:51 PM
...anything ? :D

(If i am the sick one how come you all know what i meant ?, hehe.)

If money were no object...

I'll take that Leucistic nile monitor now please !!!

..and if i could get licenses for such it would be great to walk out to my Komodo house and ..."Release the prey!" :thumbsup:

Comitted ? most certainly .
Arrested for poaching deer after i've exhausted all know goat breeders ? Probably o>

01-01-03, 04:53 PM
I would get a 3some of new calidonia giant geckos

01-01-03, 05:20 PM
Angolan Pythons, and lots of 'em, albinos, pieds, snow (though i don't even know if these morphs have been discovered or proven)
of course a pair of pied balls. Hmmm, a pair of albino Tokays, a normal dumerils boa, a normal eastern gaboon viper, a viper boa, Corey Woods' and VPI's collection of balls, and an assistant or 5 to help with the collection. Oh, and a new planet to put them all on. I'll call it Goretopia, lol. Seriously though, I'd be happy with an unrelated pair of Angolan Pythons and that's it.

01-03-03, 01:11 PM
OMG!!! I can't believe i forgot my #1 priority, the first thing I would definately have to add to my collection would be a CB house hippo.

Aztec Fred
01-16-03, 03:17 AM
If money was no issue,I'd SELL all of the snakes in my collection (25)and give the money to a charity to feed the homeless that actually DOES what they say they are going to do.....

Then I'd buy:

1.1 Boelens Pythons(hatchlings c/b)

1.1 Blackhead Pythons(hatchlings c/b)

1.1 Tanimbar Scrubs(Anethrystic) from spitifire(hatchlings c/b)

And I'd buy Habitat systems cages for each snake sufficent to take care of them in size for life.

And I'd buy a nice digital camera and a camera with a macro lens

And I'd raise, breed and enjoy my snakes

Fred Albury
Aztec Reptiles

03-10-03, 07:54 PM
I would only buy 7 or 8 zoos, and maybe a few thousand acres in Africa and Australian. Oh, and a New truck. But thats it.

03-10-03, 08:03 PM
I would get something new eveyday until i had every reptile i ever wanted. but thats it....