View Full Version : Spinal problems....

05-08-04, 05:05 PM
Hey all. I got this BCI in the fall and on Easter weekend we noticed a bump on his back. I took him to the vet and two xrays and 180 bucks later, we're really not sure what it is. I never really "examined" the snakes spine the whole time I had him because he was really nervous and "clingy" so we never saw him outstretched. Now that he is more relaxed and will lay straight on the back of the couch we can see numerous waves in his spine. It doesn't affect his mobility and he eats and poops just fine.

Three kinks can be seen in this scan of one of the xrays. The one on the left is the "bump"


Does seem like a birth defect? Disease? Any speculation at all?

05-09-04, 05:13 PM
Generally, these types of things occur as birth defects, commonly caused by a spike in temperature during incubation. In my opinion, it is likely a birth defect - often, the snake lives a normal life of eating, sleeping and defecations, however I am unsure of any long-term effects.