View Full Version : come on people this is for us

05-08-04, 08:21 AM
come on people this is for us lets use it


anytime you buy something from this board post your experience about the deal good or bad

there are so many people selling stuff here or that are claiming to sell stuff here id love to see some details as to how the deals went down

sellers can also postt about buyers too

id love for this to start getting a little more activity


Sean Day
05-08-04, 09:14 AM
I think the CBOI (http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=614) will be a good tool, it is just going to take a bit to catch on. I know from reading it there is a few people I would hesitate to deal with.

05-08-04, 10:00 AM
Do you get a commission every time you mention this CBOI?

05-08-04, 10:32 AM
LOL no i just want our board to start to be used the way it should be

would be nice if it just started getting used the way it was meant is all

like i say post after you do any deal good or bad you will be helping out a fellow herper in the end im sure

see way back when i sold linds a hog island we made plans to meet she showed up it went good

ive dealt with shawn aka boa a few times , now i know many have issues with him but for 1 have never had any problems with him he even showed up early the 1 time and on time the rest

i will be taking my own advice for future dealings and posting on the board so everyone else will know who is good or bad to deal with