View Full Version : my spotted python is gravid without being bred

05-07-04, 08:13 PM

05-08-04, 04:03 PM
Lots of various snakes retain sperm from previous breedings for future use. Even if the snake was never exposed to a male ever she could still become "gravid" (I'll use the term very loosely here LOL). Females will still produce eggs & lay them, but as they would have not been fertilized (no male so how could they be) they will all be infertile slugs. Just because she appears to be full of eggs, doesn't mean that any of them will be fertile. Mark

05-08-04, 11:44 PM
In addition to Marks comments, I'll add that females will sometimes produce follicles and get quite large, but without fertilization, these may not always end up in eggs which are laid.. some unbred females will swell up, look huge, and then it disappears with no ova being deposited.

05-09-04, 03:12 AM
Snakes aren't gravid until they have layed eggs in my books. Lots of snakes swell up and lay upside down, etc etc etc. Even males, even 6 month old snakes. Until they lay eggs, I wouldn't count them as gravid.

05-09-04, 05:09 AM
found out shes not i live in australia its winter here found out shes hibernating

05-09-04, 12:58 PM
Wheres Katt with her dictionary GRAVID: blah blah blah LOL Mark