View Full Version : What Am I...?

05-07-04, 02:59 PM
I was out doing some yard work and inadvertantley destroyed this little guy's home(under a stack of concrete slabs). He is about the length of a nickel from snout to butt and has quite the full little belly on him. I've seen simialr looking frogs all ovcer the place during the summers around here(about 40km east of Edmonton), but they're not usually this green, more of a brown color and with more black spots on their backs with the same eye stripes. His belly is quite a light cream color. Anyone know what he is...? I'm not really an amphibian guy, so he's going to be release next to a slough out back, just curious what he is.


05-07-04, 03:40 PM
Possibly southern leopard frog...no spots though and cant think of anything else...

05-07-04, 03:47 PM
http://www3.gov.ab.ca/srd/fw/amphib/bcf.html A boreal Chorus Frog? Looks the same and the size would be accurate.

red bootz
05-07-04, 03:54 PM
Pacific treefrog.

05-07-04, 05:34 PM
Thanks Dani,

It definitely looks like a Boreal Chorus Frog. The ones I normally see are brown, I think they are Wood Frogs. This guy was a fairly bright green but according to that site, green is one of the BCF's colors.

BTW, that's a great site, thanks