View Full Version : Can't go to the vet untill friday, what should i do!!

05-07-04, 08:01 AM
Hiyas all,

I have a large male that is very friendly and active. A day ago i noticed that he had a limp but he was still walking on it, eating and drinking as if nothing had happened so i thought it was just a small sprain. I also felt along the leg for any sharp and pointy parts and didn't find any.
So i let it go.... Yesterday i came into check on my ratties and my big male was laying on one side snoozing. I peeked and his foot and freaked!....it's blown up like a ballon and is nearly four times the size!
Is this a result of a bad sprain,break or cancer??
I have moved him to a large flatt critter keeper so he doesn't hurt himself further.
He's still going about, filling his water dish with shavings and eating.... what should i do??
Has this happened to any of you before? What was the result?

I would really hate to loose him since i have had him from a pup. I used to use him at work as a way to get people who are terrifide of rats to love them. Some people still come and ask about "wilber"

Thanks heaps guys for any pointers you might have...

05-07-04, 08:15 AM
Ummm....it IS Friday.

05-07-04, 09:52 AM
My rats get their little fingers and toes caught in between the horizontal bars of my racks all the time. They end up fine, but if you're really concerned take him to the vet or whack him and feed him to one of your reptiles.

05-07-04, 10:53 AM
since this is the FOOD for thought forum, I would whack him so he's not suffering and feed him off.

05-07-04, 11:16 AM
yeah, fraid you won't find much help in a feeder forum.....

when i had troubles with my rats, every rat site i asked told me to bring it to a vet, and to spend a couple hundred dollars on a $3 feeder rat.

if he's really special to you and is a pet, not just food, then bring him to a vet and get him fixed up...... just keep in mind it will cost a helllllll of a lot of money!

overall, when in doubt, whack



05-07-04, 12:01 PM
you can try going to a pet rat forum, you would have more luck there. try going here.......

05-07-04, 12:09 PM
I will admit that I recently spent $35 on a rat at a vet, so I can understand when it is a pet. The thing is though, that no forum is going to be able to examine the foot and determine what's really wrong with it - that will require a vet. You could wait a day or two and see if it seems like its coming good - otherwise, you might just have to get him in as soon as possible.

05-07-04, 01:26 PM
Well I doubt it is cancer of any sort. Cancer doesn't blow up like that out of nowhere. Not sure what you can do except to try and make him comfortable. :confused:

Originally posted by justinO
yeah, fraid you won't find much help in a feeder forum.....

Why not? We have a lot of members here that also keep them as pets, and share the same compassion they would otherwise. Although it is the Food For Thought, it is also for pet discussion as well since many of the common feeders are pets too ;)

05-07-04, 01:50 PM
Just a quick thought. I had a mouse that ended up with a sliver in his foot from his chips and it got infected. It swoll up like that too. Try putting Antibacterial Polysporn on his foot. He might eat the Polysporn off but it won't hurt him. It worked well for me. I kept putting it on once a day for a week, after that the swelling had pretty much gone down. Hope this helps. Good luck.

05-07-04, 04:20 PM
I know it's food for thought guys....he would have been?*chuckles* Thanks for the tips

Try putting Antibacterial Polysporn on his foot.

A splinter. That might be what the problem is....i'll try that untill payday along with a cold compress and an epsom salt soak twice a day. I have six rats because of feeder rats.... when people wouldn't come and buy the pups i hated just to let them wither away...

I've never been bit by any of them and they are all super affectionate. I've never had a reptile that was big enough to eat one of my rats though i am sure some of you do ;)

I'll keep you posted for those who are interested
Thanks again!

07-14-04, 08:17 PM
just an update
my rat is doing fine now :)
I made up a bath of epsom salts and filled a small critter keeper half way and put him in. The reason for it was to help keep my male contained.

I did this once in the morining and once at night for three or four days. After the first day i could already see a change!

As of now my big ol'white rat is doing just fine.
Hopefully if this accurs in the furture with any of your feeders or pets it will help you out some! :)

Thanks again for all the help and advice

07-14-04, 09:25 PM
I'm glad to hear that your rattie friend is doing better! Good luck!
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~

07-14-04, 09:49 PM
Glad to hear your litle guy made a full recovery! Thanks for the update! :)