View Full Version : Vent holes

05-07-04, 12:00 AM
I've noticed that quite a few people talk about drilling holes for ventilation in their rubbermaid enclosures. This works ok, but there is always the twisted plastic and rough edges to deal with then...

One method that is much easier (and quicker) is to buy a cheapo $7 soldering iron at Walmart and let it poke holes through. They are nice and smooth without any cleanup from drilling. They also are very fast, as it seems to almost 'fall through.'

Just a tip that might help people when they are putting holes into dozens of shoeboxes or larger tubs.

05-07-04, 12:37 PM
Or you could put in a bigger drill bit after the initial drilling to take off the burrs. Also works great for smoothing the edges and feathering the hole. No melted plastic, noxious fumes, ruined soldering tips, or extra money to spend, assuming you have a drill and a set of drill bits.

05-07-04, 01:34 PM
Yeah I like to avoid being around the fumes, so I cut and drill as much as I can get away with. Years of being around that stuff sure will have a bad impact. It's a bit more time consuming, but it gives a nice finish. I just remove the burring with an exacto blade. Gives a ncier finish than melted holes too.

05-07-04, 02:04 PM
Just take an X-Acto knife to the little twisties, works like a charm.

05-08-04, 03:48 PM
good suggestion brent, takes hours off of the time...and an open window eliminates fumes...which are very very strong, might I add