View Full Version : Crested Gecko Weight Help!!!

05-06-04, 08:01 PM
Today I got a digital scale to weigh my cresties and i ran into a bit of a problem...not so much a problem but im just confused. So here it goes. I bought 5 cresties in Aug 2003, they were roughly 2 months old, that would make them approx 11 months old. So i weighed them and this is what I got:

Buckskin Female 7 1/4 inches long and 37grams

Dalmation Male 8 inches long and 32grams

Orange Female 7 1/8 inches long and 28grams

Orange Dalmation Female 7 1/4 inches long and 31grams

Tiger Male 7 5/8 inches long and 32grams

My question is, is this normal? they look a small in thickness in comaparison to my 2 adults especially my male (not so much the female) and other adults that I see in pet stores...Im a going crazy :) please help!!! :D

2 year Female 7 inches 29grams

2 Year Male 7 3/4 inches 41grams

Thanks in advance!!!

05-07-04, 12:33 AM
I'm not sure I'd worry about it too much. The norm seems to be a variation of this sort. Keep in mind that your adults also have a year and a bit of filling out on the newer kids. :)
It's probably just the variation in age and you'll see them begin to fill out over the next few months. If you had plans to breed them this season I'd probably suggest that if you want them to continue to fill out you wait until next season. Just my thoughts though.


05-07-04, 04:28 AM
I had no plans of breeding them this year, I just wanted to see where they were at in terms of weight, I was shocked to find out they weigh that much because they didnt look like my adults. My other questions is how much does everyones adults weigh, I just want something that I can use as a gauge. My male is a monster compared to my other cresties, I'll try to post a pic to show the difference.
Thanks in advance. :D

05-07-04, 06:59 AM
My males seem to consistently weigh in around the 54-56g. My females drop 2-3g during the breeding season, but have a much larger spread. My largest girl is a 64g, and my smallest weighs in at 45g.
All of my boys are thicker, and I guess you could say they are more "built" then the girls. With the exception of my red female, who goes toe to toe with them and outweighs them by 10g most of the time. She was one of my first, so she definitely received a lot of hand feeding when she was younger. :D
From what I've read over the years in books, magazines, and on other forums is that monster males is kinda the norm. :D

05-07-04, 11:53 AM
That seems totally normal to me. I wouldn't worry one bit. I've got a tail-less one that I bought from Allen Repashy at the Daytona expo, who was also about 2-3 months old and she now weighs 32 grams.