View Full Version : Along with Simon Sansom

05-06-04, 01:01 PM
figured I'd post one of my females. She's due soon.
Good luck Simon!

Simon Sansom
05-07-04, 05:38 PM
That's a real beauty, Mark! Good luck to you, too.

Love those Florida Kings...

Simon R. Sansom

05-07-04, 06:10 PM
That is a beauty!!!

Lovely looking snake!

Good luck with her!

05-08-04, 05:33 PM
i wan two of the babys when thay are ready to go to new homes paul van hooser pkaviary@yahoo.ca

05-08-04, 05:36 PM
Sweeeet snake!

Looks like a pile of gold coins! :D

05-08-04, 05:37 PM
ahhh, if I could only get 'em to you in Canada........
She's actually a bit brighter than pictured. When she was younger, I wasn't sure I liked her as much as my other female, but nowadays she's my favorite I think.

05-21-04, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by crimsonking
ahhh, if I could only get 'em to you in Canada........

you can but you'd probably find most people back out at the $55USD import fee plus the same day air cargo shipping rates.

05-21-04, 08:34 PM
She is really impressive - just glows!! Best of luck for the clutch and babies,

mary v.

05-22-04, 11:54 PM
She looks great Mark!!! Can't wait to see the liittle ones!!!

05-23-04, 09:33 AM
Aaahh! Mine eyes!! :D

05-23-04, 05:46 PM
Very Very Pretty. That could almost make me sway a little farther away from the milks.
