05-06-04, 11:11 AM
Hello all, I just have a few things that i'm concerned about that i would like to ask the experinced Cham keepers.
Neo (male veiled) is acting slightly different from when i first got him around 7 months ago (wow i can't believe i've had him that long), which by the way is GREAT!!! If you don't remember his story, i'll summerize it a bit. I got him from a friend of a friend, he came to me malnorished and dehydrated and poorly taken care of for the first year+ of his life.
Anyway on to the questions.
He is housed in a 260 gallon repterium. Basking spot is 90 most of the cage is around 80-85 and if he goes lower it can get close to 75 (i live in a basement and use 2 heat sources for him). I will post a pic of the cage at the bottom of the post. His favorite brances are 2 closest to the heat lamp (that's where he is when he's not strolling or basking under the UVB).
About 1 month ago little man escaped, My man and myself were going nuts trying to find him, luckly we found him hanging on a cable wire next to the hot water heater. I accidently left a small gap in between the zippers of the repterium and he was able to push his way out, cleaver little guy i tell you. Well this moring while i was getting ready for work i heard rustling in his cage, I turn and look up and there he is hooked on to the front of his cage trying to nudge the zippers open with his snout. Should i be concerend that something in the cage is not right??? or could it be he is finally up to par??? I'm slightly concerend with this because if the set up isn't correct for him i want to get it right, also i don't like the fact that he's rubbing his nose on the reptrium and zippers trying to get out (i'm afraid he will cause some damage to himself)???
The next question,
Neo was feed crix when they were given to him his whole life, before my care. I started encorporating other food into his diet ex. mealies, wax worms (very seldom) hornworms, butters, and silkies. Well now he doesn't want anything except mealies and that's it!!!! I buy crix every 2 weeks and i let a few free range and i pull a legs off a couple to place in his dish, so he can decied what he wants. Doesn't matter which way i do it he will not eat crix. anymore, so they just end up dying or i have to take them out and throw them away or regutload and try again. I breed my own mealies so i know for sure they are very well gutloaded!!! Will they (mealies) be ok for him as a steady feeder seeing as he refuses to eat any other insect??? He eats around 10 mealies daily.
I have currently placed another order for butterworms and hornworms. I'm hoping he will eat them this time or the beardies will get them all again.
I've also came across something else that i can't find any info on and can't find anyone that knows anything about it.
Neos urates are not normal (at least in my book there not). When he first came to me his urates where all yellow and very hard (kinda looked crystalized). Well i figured that was due to being malnorished and dehydrated. Since he's been in my care his urates go back and forth sometimes they're half yellow and half white other times they're all yellow. The white part of the urate looks completely normal but the yellow part always appears to look cyrstalized (it's very hard and shiny). I believe this is something to do with the kidneys but i'm not sure, If anyone has any info that could help me better understand this it would be greatly appreciated as this it the thing that concerns me the most about him.
Thanks for anyhelp it's GREATLY aprreciated!!!!
P.S. Here is a pic of his home
Neo (male veiled) is acting slightly different from when i first got him around 7 months ago (wow i can't believe i've had him that long), which by the way is GREAT!!! If you don't remember his story, i'll summerize it a bit. I got him from a friend of a friend, he came to me malnorished and dehydrated and poorly taken care of for the first year+ of his life.
Anyway on to the questions.
He is housed in a 260 gallon repterium. Basking spot is 90 most of the cage is around 80-85 and if he goes lower it can get close to 75 (i live in a basement and use 2 heat sources for him). I will post a pic of the cage at the bottom of the post. His favorite brances are 2 closest to the heat lamp (that's where he is when he's not strolling or basking under the UVB).
About 1 month ago little man escaped, My man and myself were going nuts trying to find him, luckly we found him hanging on a cable wire next to the hot water heater. I accidently left a small gap in between the zippers of the repterium and he was able to push his way out, cleaver little guy i tell you. Well this moring while i was getting ready for work i heard rustling in his cage, I turn and look up and there he is hooked on to the front of his cage trying to nudge the zippers open with his snout. Should i be concerend that something in the cage is not right??? or could it be he is finally up to par??? I'm slightly concerend with this because if the set up isn't correct for him i want to get it right, also i don't like the fact that he's rubbing his nose on the reptrium and zippers trying to get out (i'm afraid he will cause some damage to himself)???
The next question,
Neo was feed crix when they were given to him his whole life, before my care. I started encorporating other food into his diet ex. mealies, wax worms (very seldom) hornworms, butters, and silkies. Well now he doesn't want anything except mealies and that's it!!!! I buy crix every 2 weeks and i let a few free range and i pull a legs off a couple to place in his dish, so he can decied what he wants. Doesn't matter which way i do it he will not eat crix. anymore, so they just end up dying or i have to take them out and throw them away or regutload and try again. I breed my own mealies so i know for sure they are very well gutloaded!!! Will they (mealies) be ok for him as a steady feeder seeing as he refuses to eat any other insect??? He eats around 10 mealies daily.
I have currently placed another order for butterworms and hornworms. I'm hoping he will eat them this time or the beardies will get them all again.
I've also came across something else that i can't find any info on and can't find anyone that knows anything about it.
Neos urates are not normal (at least in my book there not). When he first came to me his urates where all yellow and very hard (kinda looked crystalized). Well i figured that was due to being malnorished and dehydrated. Since he's been in my care his urates go back and forth sometimes they're half yellow and half white other times they're all yellow. The white part of the urate looks completely normal but the yellow part always appears to look cyrstalized (it's very hard and shiny). I believe this is something to do with the kidneys but i'm not sure, If anyone has any info that could help me better understand this it would be greatly appreciated as this it the thing that concerns me the most about him.
Thanks for anyhelp it's GREATLY aprreciated!!!!
P.S. Here is a pic of his home